The Sacrificial Room

Slowly turning and advancing towards me, he began muttering incoherently before stabbing me in the chest and collapsing one of my lungs.

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Harry, murphy and chaise rushed over when chloe collapsed, and mark showed them the picture. "my god!"

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Demon War Chapter 2

Dodging turret fire and the collapsing tiles, the dragon finally made it to the opposite end of the hallway. the turret had stopped firing as the collapsed tiles rose slowly back up to the surface.

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Soul guardians reuploaded (by latiasfan1 not me!) ch1

Immediately, annie and espeon collapsed under the powerful shock. ash ran over to the wall, where ariados had strung up lorenzo and bianca in web. although ash tried to break the web, his struggles weren't enough. then he had an idea.

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Jessie Raiye: Fun with Mommy Part I

She would have repeated the action, if her mother hand not collapsed to her knees. amanda struggled to keep back her tears. that single slap hurt. but that wasn't why she had collapsed.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Shrad Milestone 1a

In the case of that tunnel, the three most likely possibilities were that it would collapse and people would die; it would collapse and people would not die; and that it would not collapse.

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Tylbo's origin story

It seems they had to leave in a hurry because of the collapse. wait! one of the eggs hasn't hatched yet, but it's not damaged because of the collapse. here lies lonely and waits for the right moment to hatch and then we can see the little dragon.

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He holds his chest and collapses to his knees. he coughs again and tears start trailing down his face. a cough can be heard beside him. he turns to his right and notices a husky lying near the curb.

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Spyro and Cynder: To Start a New Beginning [Edited]

Cynder then collapsed on her backas they're sealed lips came apart. the two dragons stared at each other, flames of loving passion in their eyes.

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The Dragons of the Mountain, Chapter 3: An unexpected Ally

The blast caused by their wings was enough to cause the collapse of another part of the unstable ceiling, but the damage didn't look severe.

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Dragonheart Part 48

But this was interrupted by the collapsing cavity, which is why she was so fast she ran. at the last second they came out of the course and landed in front of the other, while the entrance collapsed behind them. "wow .... that was close!"

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Bunny Love: Chapter 13

They all came hard, and once they were finished, they collapsed on their asses. however, the berry effect was still on, and they were all rock hard.

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