Road Rovers: A New Start 4

He cooed sweet nothings into his comrade's ears trying his best to soothe hunter. he eventually was able to calm hunter down to where they could talk. "okay so what's wrong comrade? did something happen between you and blitz?"

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Endless Winter (WIP)

"kill you, comrade? we are peaceful peoples. where other see big scary wolf, i see comrade in need of help. i see comrade also in need of food!"

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Road Rover Vore 2

It was hunter in all of his golden glory who was standing in front of the doberman road rover's door clad in his armor with his dopey confused look exile smiled at his comrade before speaking. "ah comrade hunter.

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a hero's call to action.

My friends, my comrades, my family, you will not have died in vein. your noble sacrifices will not be forgotten.

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For Who the Bell Rings ch1

"it goes without saying comrade, this is why i do what i do, were low on supplies you need sustenance my friend."spoke jin.

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Rescue, A Nightmare is Awakened

Hunter simply nodded, and exile added "he's fine comrade, i just know it. he's probably just in germany with his master is all, and he severed communication."

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Down Time [PTRN]

Yet he couldn't stop from fondling himself, liking what he felt in his grasp and prompting him to do the same to his comrade.

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Chapter 13: Overtaken

They awoke their comrades and suited up again. "ammo status?" chris said. keith was completely out of pistol rounds, but still had a full set of ar rounds.

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1- A Husky Tells No Tales

"comrade, comrade, wake up!" exile tapped softly on the retriever's shoulder, hoping that the prostrate canine would come around soon.

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Chapter 7: Farewell to a friend, a brief respite

"comrade...come lie with me...and tell me what's wrong..." exile soothed. keith couldn't take it, he just fell to his knees and began sobbing uncontrollably.

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Jewel of the Spring #3

So my comrades could force the enemy into shifting their line of fire. sure enough the enemies line of fired shifted towards my comrades. i got the scope covers off, lined up my shot and took the safety off.

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World in Conflict

Krilillovich: prepare yourself because in the next few minutes comrade... we meet the indigenous... krilillovich: (stands atop a t-80 tank to speak to his massed army) to day comrades we enter that portal!

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