A Gift Story for HungotheNomster on FA

You can find him here on fa --> http://www.furaffinity.net/user/hungothenomster the story features his fursona james (c) hungothenomster jon talbain (c) capcom darksiders warning: do not use james for james is hungothrenomster's character, i had to gain permission

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Darkness Incarnate: Strangers

"no, but then again it's not the first time we've fought a darksider that could obscure my vision through the force. from where i'm standing this is just more of the same, with a change of locale."

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Galactic Racing eXtreme - Episode 1, Part C

Episode 1, Part C Linx Kytone flopped back on the bed. "Whuff! Damn, that was fun!" the black-furred feline giggled, the electric-blue circuits under her fur dimming as she came down from her orgasm. Below her, the lean, well-muscled reptoid...

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Galactic Racing eXtreme, Episode 1, Part B

Episode 1, Part B "This is completely unacceptable!" Kaje took a step back as a very green, very nude, and very angry female taur burst through the double doors that he had been about to enter, clutching his bouquet reflexively away from his...

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Galactic Racing eXtreme - Episode 1, Part A

Galactic Racing Xtreme Prologue _In the year 2311, nanoengineering has completely altered human affairs. Hunger, disease, and death have been all but eradicated. All needs are met, and all desires can be realized. Men and women can...

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Super Gummy Bear Girls! - Part II: Get to Know Your Gummies

--- Part II: Get to Know Your Gummies --- "Um, excuse me?" called the orange gummy-bear girl on the couch, raising a translucent paw. "Could you please tell us what's going on? Who are you, anyway?" Ted sighed. Now that his nerdgasm had subsided,...

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Super Gummy Bear Girls!

What do you get when you mix a mad scientist, nanotechnology, and five gummy bears? Pandemonium! Super Gummy Bear Girls! ---- Part I: Ooey Gooey, KABLOOEY! ---- In the skies above Sweeton, lightning crackled. In a...

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Chapter 1: Raindrops on Roselias

Please note that the Chapter 1 is a minor rewrite and that I have to use chapter numbers because Yiffstar is a pain in the ass and won't label the damn chapters right! Sup Yiffstar! I'm going on a new series that I hope everyone will love. In fact...

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Chapter 2: Black Holes and Revelations

By damien darkside "how i wish you could see the potential, the potential for you and me. it's like a book elegantly bound but... in a language that you can't read just yet. you got to spend some time love. you got to spend some time with me.

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Alternative Swearing

You are late. You are very late getting to day court. Your job, the Royal Advisor, isn't one to take lightly. Maybe if Equestria could get proper digital clocks instead of plain waiting for the sun to get up, this wouldn't be a problem. Alas, you are...

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Absolutely Breathtaking

A/N: Hey SoFurry! It has been years since I uploaded anything but I decided to move a story or two from my FIM account over to SF. So here we go. Sexy horse words. Just as a heads up it is one of those infamous "You" stories. **Absolutely...

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SW: The Thundasa Crew: Defeat (8)

You turn from the darkside to help jedi filth?" lokrut glared at her, and turned on his lightsaber, "it's better than being corrupt." caliti leapt at him.

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