
Just a little poem from my book "midnight reflections" death is what is and what will be death is not sad death is not evil death is life it is what we walk toward some solemnly some with fear some with defiance some fool heartedly and some with


Twokinds - Take Him To My Bedchamber

"i have a name." he replied, defiance rising in his voice. laura sat her rump down upon the end of the bed, legs crossed, though doing nothing to prevent the robe from falling open. "and what might that be, hm?" she asked.

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warriors, lost love and memory : part 2

I growled at there startled forms, they were certainly not expecting such defiance after such pleasure. they soon regained there composure, "then it is good that strey hired us..." my eyes went wide at the kitsune's remark. "w..what did you say?

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What?! A Challenge? Bring It!

The girl marched forward, defiance still painted on her face and showing in her step. she was a martyr, and she knew it.

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Shadows - Poem for Shadowshimmer

._ _natural born defiance of the sun._ _invincible coolant of fur._ _unknowable form._ _it was your shadow._ _your shadow that darkened worlds._ _your shadow blocks the light needed to see._ _never thought darkness was so much fun._ _shadows

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Fifty-fourth Entry

Prosler's whole body seemed to ache in erotic sympathy as one-eye started to pound isen from behind, while the albino struggled and fought with all his might, his muffled cries a confused mix of pleasure and defiance.

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The Arrival of the Fiery Horse story

With an air of majestic defiance, the horse of fire gazes intently upon the other equines inhabiting the tranquil farm. each snort it expels carries a smoky signature, creating an atmosphere charged with an electrifying blend of curiosity and awe.

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Clopper Lake

It is these dark places, where our hands reach for stars; we put them on our faces, in defiance of mars. burned into a shape, right against the mill; there they'll find the tape, that leads to our hill.

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Something weird

A human sits outside my window, its hands still in defiance of the night's chill. a possum climbs up on the human's back seemingly unaware of the knife thats cradled by the humans fingers.

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The Yard Sale

And then, as if the very earth itself rose up in defiance: it happened.

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Lost 2: training.

The softest gasp escapes the blue mon's maw, and his inner courage returns, and growls in defiance, praying that the paw didn't go any lower.

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The Guardian Chapter 2: Longing with a Side of Hope

"let me see this 'thief' you speak of, i will be his judge," the same hellfer flashed a look of defiance as he ordered the others to step aside. the group opened up to reveal a figure lying on the ground.
