The Fox General: Ceasefire

"i'm only dictator until the emergency is over." "when will that be, alpha?" i shook my head, "certainly not now, that's for sure..."

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"Skylands: The Third Gate" ch.11 (NaNoWriMo 2015)

And how did a dictator pull that off?" eris asked."dictator?""this king; this 'great unifier'. he was a dictator.""if by that you mean he dictated law and education, you are correct," kelmore agreed.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 126: Things No Apology Can Heal (Consensus Part Four)

The gorilla warrior said to the dictator. "that is the fourth defection this month." the dictator said counting. "do we know why?" "he has lost faith in the empire and apparently has abandoned all hope that the unrest will end.

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Chapter One

As the heir apparent, tradition dictated that lavur would captain the king's legendary white fangs to prove both his ability to lead and his valor.

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For Love of Love 14: A Turn For The Worse, Part 1

This one was home to one of the groups of senior digimon responsible for watching over the interdictors and making sure that each of them adhered to the dictates of the order. "protocol dictates that she be given time to dwell on her actions and repent.

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The Saga ch.1

Former dictator of shlera. male. currently a pow. silorus sart - maine coon with swirled pattern. daughter of razen and lilly sart. setting: the kingdom of layorra, a wooded kingdom bordered by two rivers.

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Arcturus, Intro and Reference.

He plotted revenge, as do all maniacal dictators. **reference list** **introduction** \* hawking drive : your standard "hyperdrive".


In the Cold Mountains

My unit was part of a joint task force stationed at fob valhalla tasked with tracking his whereabouts and eliminating hostile forces loyal to the former dictator.

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The soul and mind road's.

If logic dictates me. my soul shall brun's all the truth. leaving me with only the lie's. it keep's me from snaping at the horror of life's. but ever damaged shall my mind be. if my soul cant accept this world and it being's.

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Insanity's Inception

Most acted as their conscience dictated. for good or ill...

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Zarvaun Gets Smug

Jack said, drawing his cards, "another dictate, and swing for six at charles.""i'll take it." charles said without looking up."my turn." i said, drawing three cards, "i'll play a forest, then karametra, god of harvests. pass."

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