Friends From Beginning to End (1/3)

When he finally got small enough and his legs reappeared he always took a second to get used to standing on two feet again, especially after nothing having been in guise for so long as his disproportionally large glowing green cock also shrank until

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Clyx - Chapter 30 - Rescue

They weren't disproportional either. everything about them was massive. the only other odd feature was some slightly longer forelegs, which seemed to help them tread lightly over the ground. the giants were also quite civilized.

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Teh Right Way to Blow Up

It only ever got a few steps before the disproportioned mass of its body became too much, causing it to topple over.

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A New Era

At first his new abs looked very disproportional, until two mounds of flesh began to push out underneath his arms and quickly lengthen outwards.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 2

Her alert green eyes traveled across every corner, looking for the tiniest disproportion in layers of shadow...or...or anything that stood out of the ordinary. she found nothing.

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The Remote

The cartoonish disproportion didn't last long however, and her torso rapidly lengthened to her new, full height. the thin rail supporting her head and shoulders blew out with a loud whump, matching her belly and chest with her hips and legs.

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Bottle it Up; Pour it Out

Even dar sees that in her broad, flat face, nose disproportionally small. he sighs again and hangs his head, nose touching the rim of his mug. he stares at the amber liquid.

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One of Us - 1 - Gagged

Whereas his belly swelled up, he felt the same previous shivers run down the bones of his lower body as they mimicked the elongation of the spine -- so that he didn't look disproportionally tall above the waist.

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Joining The Harem

Inward from her disproportionally huge hands gray's arms lengthen and take on mass. as with human females female red dragons typically have less upper body strength than the males. gray is to be no different.

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The Belly Eternal

His legs were disproportionally short and bent at the knee, somewhat like an avian fur. he was struggling with the hose strapped in his mouth, tears falling from unhappy eyes as he guzzled the slop that was being pumped into him.

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A Thing for Orcas

From the angle he was at, gritou's gaze was subjected to the full, albeit slightly tilted and disproportioned view, of the whole deal.

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