Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Near Death 2

She yurn her dress to ice,(like elsa in frozen) and removes bowser`s hand from the burt spot. she gasps when she sees it. the fire went right through the scales, and there`s blood. jewelia creates an ice ball, and puts it on bowser`s arm.

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Sick-Harm

She uses her ice to look like elsa again. "(sings)the cold never bothered me anyway." jewelia shoots a line of ice from her hand. she walks along the ice. it was no problem for her. she just made an ice path to the top of the castle. she got on the roof.

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Swiss Mix - Chapters 001-025 (Revised)

When elsa arrived, she was concerned to see her father in the office. "papa? is everything all right? we... we are not in trouble, are we papa?" lord karl smiled at elsa warmly. "no, my pet.

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Love of the Dragon Ch. 06

One smudge on that dress and i'll have your hide before miss elsa has mine." as we started to leave the cottage, marie pulled langston back for a moment and they whispered between themselves in a hurry.

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Starfall: Chapter 10: Farmhand: Part One

"as for elsa, well, when you see her, you'll know why she's named that." pausing for a moment, he sighs.

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Rails of Rain

I wanted so much to go back, to be with jim, elsa and reg, but i knew that would never happen. it was too late, by now i was miles and miles away from them. a flash of lightning brought me out of my musing.

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Love of the Dragon Ch. 14

I sneak down to the servants quarters to have tea with elsa. i visit marie and her two twin boys. not a day goes by that i am not thankful for my good fortune. and not a night passes that i don't feel the loving warmth of my husband. the end

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Serenifi: The Movie: The Remake: Part 3

Rapunzel, merida, mabel pines, sofia, anna, elsa, honey lemon, go-go tomago, riley anderson, joy, disgust, judy hopps, gazelle, and moana belong to disney/pixar. the male bodyguards belong to me.

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Eternal Universe - Chapter One

The absolute darkness in the pod is something i don't really mind right now, my mind going over the route that we need to take to get to t'raven and pull elsa out of her situation.

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Treat, Your Friends

"you are such an ice queen elsa." to everyone watching they would assumed it to be the last rights and personal gesture to those close.


Crisp's Halloween Adventure

"elsa would like it." "elsa would kill me if she knew that i touched this." nicholas grabbed at the tail hole in the back to undo a wedgie, digging a bit too deep for comfort and what was necessary. "you happy now?"

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