Left for Dead

They may intercept his next communication with his broker and then, if they were lucky, trace it back to the client.

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Venturing: StoryFox

The vpd have noticed this rather quickly; but rather than to intercept him and interrigate him, they have decided to do the opposite. yang's orders however.

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Taking One for the Team

The bunny cursed, spinning to intercept the loose puck and straightening to look for a trailing player behind him.

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Chapter 2: Krystal

She increased to full throttle and plotted an intercept course. the computer did the math and pointed her in front of the enemy, so that they would meet before either reached the approaching shuttle.

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Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 14: Fight Between Lovers

As the collar sped towards a wide eyed nathanial, geoff ran to intercept it. he caught it midair and infused it with dark energy. cracks appeared throughout the weapon, going deeper into it until it burst.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.11

Another akv intercepted a missile ballistically, increasing the odds to 25%.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.7

Herself diving at just the wrong angle to meet the ship, and herself flying a path that would no longer intercept the raccoon.

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lMore then just friendsl lHuskys and Foxesl

Lexiharin was soon rudely intercepted by sekhai. ''yes'' ''well at least we know oklain isn't the one that killed your parents,and don't worry i'm sure...'' ''i know i know, as long as i'm not a threat...''

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Inner Fire

Isa had sent out most of the battle-ready fallen sky vessels to intercept the hackers, "how is everything going? reports?" marie scanned through screens and screens of data, "nothing too surprising.

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Curse of the Mightyena Chapter 2

"shit, zack, how do you always find these goons" the same man's voice said over the com, "rangers dean and barbra intercept suspect in sector 5" "right away sir" "yes sir!"

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Brothers Part 3

Returning to his men he ordered the issue for three quarters of them to stand down and rest while the last quarter was to intercept the "mindless ones".

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Maiya Station Disaster: Part 8 – The Search

"specialist crichton had just picked up a signal and we're now moving to intercept." both the wolf and feline gave each other a look before moving standing up and moving for the door. "we'll be right there."

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