Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 11

#12 of rabbit heart part three: the sea fang characters: leon (rabbit) geist (rabbit) itsuo (macaque) nola (rabbit) kiba (rabbit) val (rabbit) dead sails. aftermath. itsuo offers comfort.

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The Love of Takahashi Yoishi: Part Three

The macaque, tetsuo jinta, and the salamander, hamataro genjiro, were on duty. tetsuo-san placed his hand on the hilt of his sword and moved to partially block the door, with hamataro-san mirroring him once he noticed the movement.

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Hell Hounds

He handed the primate his now-empty glass and traced an imaginary line from it to the macaque's lips, who licked the glass timidly before starting to nibble on it. sure enough, in just a few bites, the glass was gone.

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The Love of Takahashi Yoishi: Part Six

Both the macaque, tetsuo jinta, and the giant salamander, hamataro genjiro, accompanied us.

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 12

#13 of rabbit heart part three: the sea fang characters: leon (rabbit) nola (rabbit) kiba (rabbit) val (rabbit) itsuo (macaque) annabelle (horse) geist (rabbit) battle erupts. leon and nola make their escape. all actions have consequences.

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Seven Days to the Wolves

"i can help," a macaque assured the assembled crowd. "his energy fields are definitely out of alignment but you can't fix them with scents, the only solution is to physically reroute them." the monkey produced a handful of thin needles.


The Love of Takahashi Yoishi: Part Four

Tetsuo-san and akemi-san stiffened up reflexively, but the macaque covered it by saying, "we are samurai, healer. a little heat will not unhorse us." he sounded honestly indignant.

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 2 - Ch. 16

#17 of rabbit heart part two: the spike characters: nola (rabbit) leon (rabbit) agnes (bull) tanya (otter) patrice (wolf) rika (fox) the warden (wolf) geist (rabbit) thrasher (bull) itsuo (macaque) friends reunite. fight and flight.

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 10

#11 of rabbit heart part three: the sea fang characters: leon (rabbit) nola (rabbit) geist (rabbit) itsuo (macaque) val (rabbit) kiba (rabbit) actions have consequences.

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The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse, Group 5, Scene 2

All three talked in low, quiet tones and, while finley and jake were motioning back toward the lorrie, the woman, an aging, macaque casually reached into her pocket and pulled out another torch, turning that one on as well.

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The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse, Group 5, Chapter 5a

"a macaque. i would have thought you'd have seen one before." she explained, "we're quite common in south town, you know." her voice held no indication of humor-- if anything, she seemed agitated, "now are you done with questions?

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 6

#7 of rabbit heart part three: the sea fang characters: leon (rabbit) nola (rabbit) val and kiba (rabbits) geist (rabbit) itsuo (macaque) reconciliation. very, very vigorous reconciliation. more unpleasant conversations.

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