Code Oblivion: Rebellion (reboot): Chapter 2

About how the airports functioned is that it was often merged with another transport method like the trains in senetria, which given the extremely mountainous terrain made it difficult to make a coherent highway system so they put more focus on the extensive maglev

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Entering the Abyss: Hope in Hell

"we know, we intercepted a call; he's heading to the capitol avenue maglev station, don't loose him" kitt ordered. "confirmed, i won't." lauren replied quickly chasing after the cougar.

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Wolves and Woes, A Coons and Theft Tale

It used a maglev elevator to get down into and was an almost perfect dome when fully cut out.

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Nothing I Ever Had - Part 2

Soon the two reached the local maglev stop at the end of their property. these were the form of transportation of choice their world had gone with all of those years back. cheap, efficient, can be used to move people and cargo.

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Perfect Synchronicity

The maglev train would bring him to the city in a few hours, which meant if he left when he said he would the sun would just be setting.

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Lessons of Life - Chapter 3

A quick flip of controls and james engaged the maglev. with the briefest shutter, the curser lifted from the ground slowly as the gravity engine kicked in. it was not commonly used due to the power requirements, but it's one hell of a fun way to travel.

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Out of Mercy

The last train from the work compounds had arrived while he had watched, on that very same spot, stopping on a station after station to unload their weary loads before moving on along their maglev tracks.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 4: An Unexpected Discovery", Chapter-3

From there, he caught a ride to the maglev station in fairbanks and took a rail pod north to gelfheim. adm. donnelson zipped up his parka before stepping out onto the rail platform--the october air was a frosty minus five degrees celsius.

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Welcome to Lust World: A Sabreverse Short

Welcome to lust world a sabreverse short between the vast and obelisk glass and neon towers of hyper city a silver maglev

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I assumed was a maglev barge of some type. it was a large wide platform floating a foot or so from the 'ground', and it looked rather like a party barge that the rich might have on a lake.

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Les bon temps

I could really go for a sunset -- mayer says that columbia park is pretty, and it's three stops down on the maglev." "that sounds nice," she told him. "when do you want to leave?" he turned a t-shirt over in his hands, examining it for stains.

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Shadow at evening

"she blew herself up on the 204 limited maglev, outside the spaceport the troops were using. killed six people." now it was verne's turn to be subdued. "oh."

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