Cosmic Stars - Chapter Five

Another impact on the door threw the marten back on his tail. scurrying away from the door, the marten unintentionally slammed into the furniture in the corner of the room.

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Working overtime

He did not hesitate to suck the martens cock. william was wheezing and began to kick but clyde was able to hold him tight. the martens cock twitched hot in the racoons muzzle and filled it with pre.

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The Ballad of Murphy and Luna Wolf

The ballad of murphy and luna wolf by carl blessing/murphy slaugh out of all of the furs in the entire fandom, what is it about this marten that made you choose me? i'm nobody special, i'm just an old marten.

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"what's it like being a marten?" "i just look like one. i'm still a penguin." "i know. um. okay. how about a marguin? it's helpful and descriptive. you've been turned into a marguin. marten outside, penguin inside.

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So are those two part of the package?

He shouted as he lunged forward, as deep as he could go into the marten's ass, and came.

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Winter Games preview

He curled one paw over the pine marten's shoulder and breathed, lifting the lighter marten and lowering him again. he closed his eyes. _who's going to see us?_ he was imagining things. he had to be.

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The marten couldn't help but feel giddy, unsure of what to do with himself. but vengeance was his and now the question remained what to do next.

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The Midterm Demonstration -- Fifth Snuff: Manual Strangulation

He let go the marten's hips and clenched his hands into fists, then spread them open again. he reached out and gripped the edges of the mattress and arched his back, trying to get more of himself into the marten's cunny.

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By Any Other Name - Chapter 2

She nods and turns to see pathos and marten rose off to the side, out of the way. marten rose has a look of relief and horror mixed, which is quite the interesting expression.

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While the Lights Were Out

He faltered as the marten made eye contact. "listen, i know this is awkward. i can still just take you to a hotel, it's not a big deal." the marten's eyes dropped again, but not as deeply.

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