Alphys' Modern Life: Camera Shy (Chapter 5)

Undyne whispered melodramatically to her audience, trying desperately to keep a straight face.

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Presto - Chapter 10

Tim said in a forceful and melodramatic stage whisper, not so much aghast at saying the words aloud, but not wanting to wake his sleeping boyfriend. "like, soon, or just in general?" arden asked without so much as a blink.

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Vorlans Game... The young Tiger is still learning... not all of his games play out the way he wants them too...

Vorlan pulls away and rests on cameron's belly, the slender young feline sighing melodramatically. "my father said i can't have anything he brings home..." the young tiger explained. "sez i have to go out and hunt for myself!"

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Covert Ops

After five seconds there was the same small beep and he stood up, "that wasn't so bad," he glanced at mike, "a bit melodramatic, buddy." mike just snorted and looked to cindy who was punching a code into a number pad he had not noticed earlier.

Before the Endgame

We all have our doubts, doesn't mean you have to be melodramatic about it." the eel hissed before going quiet. after being forcibly captured from his little home, he made the human's life a living hell.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 2.2 Bannihar

"usually i'm deadly with a pouch of wheat... that's why everyone's so afraid of me." the kangaroo boasted melodramatically. "and here i thought it was because you were moon crazed." the gryphon smirked.

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Playing God Part 4: Takes One To Know One

"melodramatic." raising an eyebrow, the rat sent another one into his leg. his voice was starting to blur and distort as the sedative took hold in finn's system."no. efficient. but you're wrong, finn. _you're_ going to die.

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Girls Gone Wild: Durango - Chapter 7

I wasn't sure why he was being so melodramatic about this but he seemed very concerned that i know these people. we went on to the next image of a very beautiful tigress. "katira cambridge is probably the finest woman of all of durango.

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The Dark Blog: Submitting a novel

Is your novel optimistic, melodramatic, suspenseful, quirky, comedic, snappy? these broad emotions should be hinted at in your query letter and your sample chapters are a way to show that, yes, you really can accomplish that.

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 28

He added with a little melodramatic flair._ _durham paced back around to the front of his desk and reached down, pulling a pepsi out of the little mini fridge he kept under there, and offered the chilled can to the pup.

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MLP: Try, Try, Try Again

But in that moment all luna could think of doing was curling into a melodramatic ball with a large tub of ice-cream and ceasing to exist. then luna had an idea. the best idea she had in days... it had been a long day.

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