Unforgettable Night

.** ** i was so taken by the surprise i could only stare back at him, mesmerised by the tall, handsome man.

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Soft Mornings

Stolas slumbered, a pillow hugged to his chest, almost face-down in it, though enough of his face and beak was still exposed for blitz to trace the outline, mesmerising it.

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Hypnovember Day 26 - Luck

Getting left with a buzzy, mesmerised high that would persist for a good half hour or so after definitely took a bit of sting off the loss. if you were into that kind of thing, that is.

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Belated Bliss.

Staring mesmerised into mike's deep eyes, she stripped herself of her robe, and sat back a little, legs splayed, so that he might appreciate her entire, naked, vulpine femininity.

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dragon at the docks

He knew perfectly well what was going on he was becoming a pet, something that he always wanted, he let himself be mesmerised. he started to undo his belt then his pants then he slid off his shirt until he was clad in nothing but his soft grey fur.

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Chapter 11 - Irreplaceable

A strange white portal suddenly appeared in the room letting out a powerful shockwave the surprised everyone, except for anna, who stood mesmerised by its brilliant glow. she heard silver's voice hear her name and stepped to the portal. "anna!"

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Highschool- Fitting in and Living Life Ch 2: Dreaming

Zack agreed with the coach when he said that the fox could land on two feet, he was mesmerised by the way alex moved so gracefully; it made the tiger want the fox all the more and now couldn't wait for the sleepover.

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The Beaten Path part 2: wanderer

I didn't have to look long, peering at me from between the trees were two amber eyes, they were roughly at my eye level and i could see no-more of the creatures body...ony those eyes, those eyes...they were mesmerising..

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Jake Long's New Year [Subscriber Reward]

The only bit of 'normal' clothing he wore was a jockstrap, red with gold trim, emblazoned with _yunqi_ - the two dancing ornate characters indicating his status as a mesmerised totem of fortune, a harbinger for the coming lunar year.

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Never Judge a Book By It\'s Cover

Eyes widening in shock, the wolf was mesmerised by the sight of the huge, thick cock only inches from her disbelieving eyes.

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Moon on a Dark Night

mesmerised by her beutiful voice, it took him about 15 min. to for him to remember of what he was suspose to be doing in the shower.

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Day 0

I sat mesmerised, this really can't be happening.
