I Know You Want Me

This one was a little too light and nutty for my taste, give me a belhaven's best any day. col was supposed to be working tonight. my ears flicked forward to catch the shrill noise of a sand blaster working metal down.

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Fireborn: Hail to the night

Helga will never be useless as long as she and i have nutty gangs, dodgy geezers and other warped things to pummel." there was a sound behind us.. so very quiet, it was nothing more than a single pebble rubbing against another.

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Sugarnauts! part 3

Perhaps it was simply a mad wizard- we saw the moth-ship flying by, the altmer might send nutty scientists there..." makari laughs, washing my bits to distract me, "you said dabbling in the daedric realm was foolish, so don't worry about it.

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A Night With You

The faint smell of coffee emanates from him, traced by the slightly nutty aroma his brews tend to contain. i look down at the soft glow of the candles reflected in my glass, before glancing back at the aged fox. "i... thank you...

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Let Someone In - Part 1

It was intoxicating, nutty and salty. satisfied, he swallowed it all, and licked his senior's cock clean. "good boy," alf praised, petting the naked boy on the head. "your turn now."

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Holiday Dinner [Sketch]

The dragon couldn't resist leaning in and sniffing at the hot, humid air wafting from the reindeer's bared backside, the strange, new aroma tickling his nostrils and poking at his throat: vaguely nutty, a little bit dry, the usual mix of foul, acrid bittersweetness

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What's your name again?

I liked to believe that to him i tasted like a fine red wine, matured and deeply flavourful, oaty and nutty with a musky nose to it.

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Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 6

They just had more exposed rubber muscles and no tail assembly, their outer casing was a soft nutty brown however and cinnamon squeaked and flew into their arms excitedly.

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Herotica #6a - Force Of Will

Azure didn't expect that to sink in, caranox was a bit nutty and if he'd decided that was what happened he would believe it until the end of time, or at least until it worked to his advantage to think otherwise.

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Loss of a Master(collab with Howler Werewolf)

"n...no...i...can't think, that sent is so wonderfully nutty and inviting. i...i...should kill you where you stand!" ryh groaned raising his dagger high as if to strike the lycan, his hands quivering heavily.

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Acquisition #3

Sweet and tangy with the nutty salty skin with a hint of something tasty... damn what was the word. it was a wonderfully savory sort of taste. he ate it all and moved on to some pastry looking things , resembling little pies.

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Happy Tree Friends Oneshots ch. 9

He was experiencing more stress now that nutty had picked up on reading, he had developed a new reading addiction after suffering from withdrawal from candy. he needed to find a way to relax in his free time after dinner.

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