Chapter 2: Earth

Sophia had come home last night thinking very hard about the certain particle they had discovered yesterday, a particle that changed its mass and charge in an oscillating manner.

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The Afterbath

I started oscillating my hips, just a little and then more and more. peaches, for her part, was clearly enjoying it as likely the change in angle caused my cockhead to rub places in her only touched by toys so far.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 30

Pain tore through her shoulder in oscillating waves. the other hand grabbed at the flap of the tent and threw it wide, revealing the face behind the curtain like a grim magician's trick. "hello, foxy!"

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Sparky's Delivery Service | Chapter 1 [Comm]

She was transfixed, layers upon layers of petals seemed to flow and oscillate in an almost hypnotic fashion.

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Monkey Future Prologue : Downfall of Mankind

Their gigantic cocks oscillated and dripped, as they were retrieved from the machinery, and the men, satisfied, were carried upwards by robotic arms, to bio-recycling stations. their only reason for life was to fuck, just once.

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Fisherman's Folly Part 2

#4 of fisherman's folly **fishman's folly part two by kaeori** based on a dream and a song north atlantic oscillation - soft coda part two is quite a lot shorter, but part three will be a lot longer the next morning when i woke

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Bill's secret pleasures

Only a few thrusts later he gripped my arm quite firmly, oscillated his own hips a few times and arched further, which drove my arm nearly to my shoulder into his rear.

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Pain and pleasure oscillate, and you rest at each each peak before being flung to the other. you don't know whether to yelp or moan, hearing the crackle as the blue lightning lances up and down your shaft.

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In Heat (Part 2)

I grabbed the fan from the corner where it was oscillating uselessly, and propped it up on his desk, aimed his way.

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Under arrest

The big dog began his labor, waving his thighs forward and backward, with each thrust the tiger roared, his hard member oscillating with the rhythm the officer was marking.

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Immortal - Chapter 1

-"at seven thirty, in half an hour," she answered in a tone that was oscillating between satisfaction and severity, "so you'll have to hurry. you don't have time to eat here. here, take this money, spend it as you want in the cinema."


Chapter 1: The Raid

The beam oscillating vertically through the pitch black as its holder ran furiously towards his precious plants. he was going to kick the shit out of whomever he found. fortunately for the friends, his stomach was bulging and heavy.

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