Monday Meetings

Every so often, they'd drive over a trail that the smaller quads had cut through the woods.

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Making an Ass 2

Colton was sprawled out on the edge of the quad where the hill sloped up towards the seldom used building that had once been their music hall before a newer one had been created on an adjoining side of the quad.

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Bearly Compensating

Phil stepped off of the brick ramp and onto the vast wide cement promenade that surrounded the quad. he looked around at the many trees that lined the quad, their large branches supporting lush leaves that cast shade on the english building.

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Ventrexian Ascension [TSR]

In a brief matter of moments his bottoms had exploded in a display of vulgar masculinity as his shredded quads turned the material into a sprinkling of confetti that lay in heaps around his feet.

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The Birth of Hyperion Academy - Chapter 1

Across the quad, a pair of jocks looked onward with barely-hidden tents on the front of their shorts. it looked just like all the advertisements.

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Fall From Grace

Gracie porter sat beneath the willow tree in the quad, her tubular ears swishing back and forth as they listened to the coming and going of her fellow students around her.

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How to train your horse

The time was now: the quad stallion was in the stable waiting to have his shoes removed, and they would both be alone for some time.

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Getting back to your four-legged roots

The time was now: the quad stallion was in the stable waiting to have his shoes removed, and they would both be alone for some time.

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The Fluid Fraternity, Chapter One

The stallion **did** want to join a fraternity long before he ever graduated high school, and a quick walk through the quad wasn't revealing too many that appealed to him.

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Chapter 5 - A Pouring Situation

Instinctively she peered down to investigate only to be met by her elephantine, dual-tiered, quad tits which had easily quadrupled in size since she began her mission. she needed to investigate any other growths.

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(Commission) Renamon vs Guilmon

Her already thick quads swelled with new power, and the orbs of her ass clenched together. mashed between the fleshy slabs of ren's thighs, guilmon's already red cheeks became roses in full bloom. "tight enough, hmm?"

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Behemoth Bets

Buildings near the casino space were tumbled over by his swelling quads.

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