Between - Chapter 1 (Victoria)

reanimating--" "i'm fully aware of that, bivik." "that 'thud.'" "victoria...? is she even still in there?" "no, i didn't hear anything." "sir?"

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Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 7

He soon reaches the fifth floor and finds dozens of reanimated pony corpses blocking his way while a bunch of timber wolves with blood red eyes were mixed in.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 118: A Greater Darkness Than The One We Fight

With basil, rose, kip, gia, kendall and bertha newly reanimated shira and i were in a face off with the prison guards and their healer. "which one do you want?" the female barbarian asked me.

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But in the interest of not leaving behind any witnesses, fenryx also slaughters the slaves; granting them a measure of freedom in death until their bodies are reanimated.

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Commission: Giving In

My mother's reanimated corpse, the doctors, the tumor... it was horrible. please, just, just hold me..." she obliged him willingly, placing his head against her bosom.

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Enemy of my Enemy, Chapter 1

It allowed him to control the reanimated bodies; he planned to turn all the dead on cybertron into a zombie army and bring them through the space bridge the 'cons had placed in orbit over earth." "that's why you had to blow it up?"

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"The Wild King", chapter 11

We squabbled about it like we were arguing over who should clean up dinner, not whether or not i should be comfortable with my lover slaughtering and reanimating animals. "how long do you need?"

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Human Experimentation

An infusion of dragon's blood, mixed with reanimating serum to quicken the flesh. the limb had twitched and grasped, imbued with a life of its own.

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Imps, Gargoyles, and Tentacles [COM]

Maxim barely had time to understand what the imp was gawking at before a slew of lime-green tentacles shot forth from the reanimated ritual circle. a quick look down saw that both the gargoyle and him had one foot on the ritual circle.

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The Helix Ion Part 3

As well as curing diseases such as cancer, it may additionally be able to reanimate dead cells; in theory possibly an entire bodily system." the roar from the united nations was immense, and not very united, suddenly carlos was very popular indeed.

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Frozen Silence, Part Three

"how did you reanimate? or were you alive this whole time?" he asked, suspicious of her. she steps back, bumping into the cart of tools, her ears falling back and nearly flattened.

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