I'm a Crossdressing Sissy Dom. Ask Me Anything!

Put it this way, fuckface: when you're at work scraping roadkill off the streets of oxnard (just taking a guess based on what kind of mouth-breathing loser would get off on verbal abuse), do you need fucking cue cards to tell you what's a squirrel and what's

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Color Me Mad

"i'm well aware we're in last now shut the fuck up before i throw you out the window and turn you into roadkill!" "bring it on bitch!" "i can see why we're called the evil oasis." diesel says to rachel. "as for you two, both of you shut up!

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A Bad Batch of Lobster

It's like watching a lobster try to assfuck a roadkill squirrel that's been rotting in the sun for two weeks!"

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Don't Worry Guys, Tuck's Just Recuperating

"it may not hurt much but unless you wanna get treated like fresh roadkill, you better get out here and talk."

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Book One of Rabbits Part 1 of 29 "The Fingerprint Of Nature's Breath?"

He can move once more, now being less like flattened roadkill and more like the monster this world ought to fear. he inhales the vile lung-rot from the megalithic beast.

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You look like roadkill," he said with a bit of a laugh, "you need a shower," he grabbed a pawful of the cheese poofs from the counter and popped them into his mouth, "and some decent food." "nothin' about this shit-hole is decent, daern.

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A Gray Matter

Then, she saw the gray of the highway, stretching out of town without the flicker of street lamps- they're funding had been cut with the travesty- until she found the dirty hump of roadkill.

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Model Citizen (Part 1)

Alex simply replied "chest compression won't help much for this guy" and he was right, he didn't want to admit over the phone, but the poor rabbit was practically shredded and looked more like roadkill than a murder victim.

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Rubies & Emeralds: Chapter 5: Sapphire

One i may be able to handle, two would have just made me roadkill! still, i knew i was in for a what probably be a tough fight. again he jumped at me i dodged and bit into his hind leg and held on. this caused him to fall short.

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 3 - Destiny Calls

He froze in my flashlight like a deer about to become roadkill. i finally had the chance to look at this asshole in person. he's a scrawny fella, shorter than me, so thin until his ribs showed.

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Locker Room Tales - Chapter Two - Patrick and Penelope

"it's wrong and its - whoa, is that _me_that smells like week old roadkill?" "it's not my place to comment - " chris whispered. "but if i was someone else, then i'd say you're way past time for a shower and soap - and to change the deodorant you use.

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