Recaptured -8- Freed (Epilogue)

She grew into a girl that benjamin proudly shows off to everyone he meets; something saph got used to after learning how to bow and curtsy properly.

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A Thorough Debriefing

How come you're still awake, saph?" "oh, you know, i couldn't sleep and there was some bits of paperwork to do from the last big haul and i'd heard about the heightened security at the museum you were going to and..."

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 11

Using her wings to bring them both up the stairs, tenchi and sapphire soon watched out over the realm as the trees were coming back to life again and the sun slowly set over the horizon, "what do you think, saph? beautiful view, isn't it?"

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Lessons in Jahaliyan Manners - 1

"of course, saph. don't worry so much!" robin patted her shoulder. "i'll need to catch up though. she's walking very fast. take care!" with that, she padded after the princess. jasmine was euphoric with the thrill.


Recaptured -4- Partnered

"well how about this, i'll put some things together and i'll send saph over later to deliver them, okay?" the two fennecs nodded gratefully. "good. then i'll let you two settle in and she'll be over within an hour or so. come saph, lets go."

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New Found Flames

"thanks for the gifts, saph. they're a real pleasure." shadow stroked her new sex, groaning when she touched her new clit. stella nodded in agreement, stroking hir new dick. "yeah, thanks ty. i'll never be able to repay you."

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Chapter one: The beginning

"silence elder saph!" the master elders yelled at the dark blue elder. "no do you what mean by that young one?" "it's not a problem for you to deal with. i welcome what is to happen." "and what is to going to happen to you lak?"

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saph was about to say something in response but was interrupted by a long pleasurable hiss of hir own as dracasis gripped the base of the bud just below the flower and gently pulled it outward.

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Unlikely Alliance Chapter 10

Yes they are meat and as such delicious but if he can read my mind perhaps he can also influence my sense of taste to make sure i pay him a visit when i get to whatever this saph ron place is.

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Starting Anew - Chapter 1

saph grins and looks at him, biting her lower lip. davis gets that loud and clear. "right, guess they would send you, when all their letters weren't answered."

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Children of Earth - Part 6

Wedge, have the fighters on hot pad, saph, your dragon flight as well. i'm betting there's a planet out there they're based on. as soon as we have the warthogs and aau onboard we'll set a course and head out at warp six.

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Starting Anew Chapter 4

Davis, wedge, and saphyra go back to where they landed at to get into their fighters for the trip home, saph taking off her clothes in a dragon changing shelter.

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