To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 40

sarina spent several frustrating days ensconced in her hotel room, repeatedly attempting to send a portal in the direction of the japans.

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To Dream of Darkness III - CH 55

"it's time for 'heather' to ply her trade in the taverns and on the streets at night, i think," sarina said.

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To Dream of Darkness - Ch 19

sarina and asha reappeared in the woods near the inn on the south road, where they had first appeared in this realm. her arm was still bleeding.

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 27

sarina's eyes glowed like the very pit of hell, a sickly acid green that tinted the entire area around her.

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Need Part IX - Interwoven

She held up a paw, palm toward william as her attention shifted to sarina. "i am confident we can extract you from ratholarin.

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Seizing Her Power

The end summary: sarina goes to a strip club to try and find some confidence for herself. it goes...interestingly.

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Interlude II :Whispers inthe Dark

Angela and sarina quickly caught up with mathias, who had been the first to leave the room. though his aura was still strong, his body was showing the signs of his five plus decades of life. as they caught up with him, sarina spoke.

Need Part IV - Interwoven

She was left to sleep on his bed, and sarina had agreed to remain to watch over her. the castle was a quieter place than tobias could ever remember it being.

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In the Back Room, After Hours

sarina rubbed her eyes, blinking a few times, and by the time that she looked up again, it was gone. he, however, was still there. and he was smiling.

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