Adira Clawhauser Chapter 12

The otter scurried into his uniform through the collar. 'clawhauser, where's the otter?' mchorn was disappointed. 'sir... i lost her.' benjamin tried to hide his face by lowering his head.

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Walk With Me Quiet

She moved for the door, unlocking it ... ... and ross scurried after her. with a bounce in his scurrying step.

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Not Even the Lightning Bugs

It used up quite a bit of his mousey scurry. but, oh, even so, there was plenty of scurry left! he was, indeed, one hundred percent pure-bred field mouse. if there was one thing he had plenty of, it was scurry. "thistles are the worst.

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Chapter One: Part One -- The City of Stilts

Workers who were able scurried to and fro; canines, avians and felines alike pulling away debris, fallen friends from the dry air, and red dust.

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Tik Tik's Taxing Adventure 9

Tik tik scurries under the bed, closing her eyes tight. as she thinks, she retreats into her mind palace, a connected network of tunnels and libraries similar to her tower, yet distinct.

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Baze and Xeno

Baze scurries off of the alien and gets in between her legs. the creature is too occupied by the strange feelings to notice what the ranger is doing.

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Rising Anew-Chapter 8, part 1-

Slowly flicking its tail, a tiny green lizard scurried onto a rock as the sun alighted on it. a small smile seemed to sneak onto the little reptile's features as he sank down onto his belly and enjoyed the warmth.

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The Exterminator

The pests scurry around, burrowing into their little homes. that won't do much for them. gas spreads. they'll succumb eventually. they always do in the end. i do good work. i've always wondered what pests think when they see you coming.


Exchange, Part 3

Something small and gray scurried across the floor. "catch it," demanded scar. bambi was very unsure. he ran right into the den, roaring (pathetically). the mouse, startled, ran into a crack in the wall.

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Divine Bounty 2

The draconic being nods as the children all scurry out, leaving him alone with the matronly priestess. "i would be honored."

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Tik Tik's Tryouts 5

"tik tik think so," the kobold says, scurrying out of the room. with a flick of her hand, her clothing returns to her, and she dresses, one step at a time. grefina comes out of the room a moment later, adjusting her dress.

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Kinktober Day 23: Watersports

Nothing about him betrayed any hostility, despite his sudden, aggressive lunge, and the smaller `mon couldn't bring himself to scurry away or fight him off.

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