The Possession (2/3)

I watch as he lowers her back down and set her down, he lets the wand fall and the tendril sucks it self back into the wand coating its golden cap in tainted puss... great i'm going to need a new wand now. "good that bud thank you.

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Food For Thought

She turned around to see her wand right in her face, aouzy smirked and poked her in the eye with it.

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Die Welt des goldenen Mondes - Band 2 - Kapitel 2: Die Prüfung der Freundschaft

Dieser lehnte sich mit dem rücken gegen die eine wand und stemmte sich mit den füßen gegen die herankommende mauer, während er eilig erklärte: „schlag den stein gegen die wand, damit eine scharfe kannte entsteht und schneid' das seil damit durch!"

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The Problem with Pipes - June Rule 34 Story #1 (Teaser)

He looked at the wand in his hand. "unless i go someplace else...?" he swung his scepter toward the pipe, and instantly the green became a gun-metal black, matching the color of his wand's tip. "roy!"

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Bustin' the Righteousness League

The big boar shouted, even as the white rabbit gestured with his wand. making the boars arm's and legs wrap around the fox and bind him like a straight jacket. "what the hell!"

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Jake's Big Break

Reduced to low moans of pent-up arousal, jake points the wand at the tigress and says in a shaky voice.

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NC #10: Dangers of Uniformed Customers

The vixen had not only shoved the hitachi wand against her sex, but she'd slumped forward from the stimulation, all but curling around it and shoving it deeper into her.

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Rule 34: Little Bunny Foo Foo

His paw slid off her sweaty body, and he fell unceremoniously onto her wand. she wanted the wand, but she wasn't going to take any chances!

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Dropped Toy

But sinopa hadn't seen any piles of kids' clothing anywhere near the wand. but, the young kitten was much like her in his bare fur. "i found your toy bubble wand." sinopa responded as deadpan as possible. "oh!

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Liger Liger Blushing Bright [Comm]

As the buzzy wand was brought up and down on her diaper front at last the liger was able to release herself.

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Ember and Belladonna

One of those wands you are always pulling out?

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 24: Biology, Technology

Wave the wand around. you'll see it that way. or hear it, rather. go on back in the bathroom again. when there aren't any other rfids nearby, it'll be obvious where the wand is detecting it." "no, i don't need to do that.

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