Flying Mile High Chapter 22.5/Spinoff

After the awkward moment of silence, chief flight attendant merpati gestured him to take a seat as she went through the aisle to handle the situation.


The anniversary: After the Party

There would be awkward moments with parents and neighbors tomorrow, as well as tons of cleaning up and apologies for ruining a set of sheets. but right now...nothing else existed for james.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 11

After an awkward moment of silence, olivia said, "you know a lot more about our lives than we do of yours. you know that life is not easy on that planet, escaping it is even more difficult." "is it your goal to make a life for yourself elsewhere?"

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Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 13

Another awkward moment passed, and then lilia asked, "you didn't eat anything when we visited your father. what are you going to eat?" "i'm not hungry. i was just going to eat something tomorrow." this sounded odd at first.

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A Bandit's Punishment

It was a very strange and awkward moment, a sheriff actually cuddling with an outlaw. after a good ten minutes, budd finally broke away from the hug, "just let this be a lesson to ya.

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In the Space of a Minute

"i agree, let us begin" neither of the two had much experience using their genitals in any way, so there was an awkward moment of pacing and concentrating. finally, dialga cock eased out of a slit between his hind legs.

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After Soccer Fun

An awkward moment hung in the air until the mouse threw a sizable rock at the closed concessions stand, hitting the shutters with a loud **thunk** , "this is so boring! isn't there anything fun to do?!?"

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The Trinket | Chapter Fifteen [Comm]

Hunter felt the front of his pullup grow warm as he wet himself, the surprise of seeing his friend at such an awkward moment a little too much for his weakened bladder.

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Night in a Castle - (Kreet 93)

The children and kallid went first - after an awkward moment where it was clear that the baron's servants had assumed i was kallid's mate.

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Oh, College: Out to Lunch

Next time on just once: awkward moments even by just-before-losing-your-virginity standards.

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A dream come true

"leon... this is such an awkward moment... just go back downstairs and... go home." this was her last chance to be with him, and she had just thrown it away. leon couldn't wait any longer. he said, "no, i won't go home.

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After a few awkward moments of squirming and sucking, they relented. careful motions started to work insync with each other; while the red pushed forward, it would slide the green's cock deeper into his mouth, rocking the pup back and forth.

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