The Mercenary And Her Conscience

People aren't bad they just make bad decisions. out of fear and anger or need. everybody has good in them. we're all equal. some of us just need help, need direction. now, could you please put me down? you're hurting me."

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Let the Wrong One In

"i made a bad decision." she said. she sat on the very edge of the couch as if she was ready to jump up and flee at the slightest provocation. she was holding a wire-pin brush.

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Tales of Azoria - Chapter 13

It looked like he was preparing himself to make a bad decision. once he released his breath, he went over to the cell door and began to unlock it. "dad? what are you doing?" azuri took a step back, unsure how to respond to the situation.

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Friday Party (Repost)

"could be" the guys deciding to ignore their feelings for while, a bad decision that will bring on great consequences. "guys, i will go to the bathroom." the siamese cat says while he leave the quarters.

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Draven and Ramiro Badminton Story Rewrite

bad decision. the serve went a little too high, which made it easy for ramiro to take a step back and smash the shuttle right back down in his face. "ow..." draven muttered, rubbing his stinging cheek. "sorry!"

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Bastards! Chapter 1 - Meet the Freak on the Leash

What's worse is the days when you welcome the hangover, 'cause it's proof you somehow made it through another night of bad decisions.

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Alchemical Encounters - Midnight Mixture

Luckily this was a human-based settlement and couldn't detect her scent but she avoided the bar nevertheless he made a bad decision in the heat of the moment, for lack of a better term.

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A New Phase - Chapter 8

"maybe she just made a bad decision, and she can make the choice not to do it again." the cat paused in her sniffles to look up at him. "you really are from the outphase," she murmured in wonder. she shook her head.

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Reaping What You Sew

"i _hope_ it means she will not be scared again from my bad decision." "jared!" the fox stepped closer to the couch before dropping his hands in defeat. "it not your fault... it's mine!" he laughed.

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Quest for the Wolf's Ass Chapter 4

He knew tommy had made a bad decision. he would've felt bad for tommy if it wasn't for the fact that he had been so rude and arrogant. oscar wrote 'tommy' and handed the paper and pen to stash.

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A Life in High School, Ch. 6

._ i ran up to where the stage was and just jumped up--likely a bad decision because of my weight--and fumbled around for a few seconds until i found the mic.

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My Tree

Thinking back over her life, erika had made a few bad decisions and she didn't want to make them with their offspring. the urge to cry alongside june was near overwhelming.

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