Patreon Reward: Shiuk

Martin wasted no time peeling off his shorts and shirt, the light brown rabbit looking down at his chest and the bright blue swimsuit alex had picked out.


On Their Terms

"most girls wear swimsuits that actually fit, though. i still don't see why i couldn't have just worn my own bathing suit." chloe sighed, the exasperation clear in her voice.

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A New Start As A Trainer/Chapter 28: A LITTLE GIRL Joins the Gang

They even sell things for people too like clothes, backpacks and what we are looking for: swimsuits." while my brother went to pick out swimsuits for us i wandered around the store, looking for things i might be interested in.

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Last Resort

The red panda wrapped his towel around his waist which reached down to his knees, obscuring how well his swimwear complimented his pudgy little body.

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The Perfect Storm: Best Friends Forever

You have another swimsuit around here anywhere?" "sure, bottom drawer there," she pointed at one of her dressers. i moved over to it and began sorting through the bottom drawer.

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The Pervert

After that it didn't take long for lucian to hit his mark, jake's camera shot came down over lucian's cock; half obscured by the swimsuit.

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Colin's Curves

He opened his eyes, fully intending to look around and count to himself just how many beautiful swimwear clad people were sharing this space with him and his arousal.

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Claire's Little Niece (Part 4 of 5)

He grumbled as jenny pulled a swimsuit out from under one of the pillows on the couch. it had been there this whole time! the garment in question was fairly typical of a little girls' swimsuit, one piece, purple with a cute pink skirt.

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Character Intro - Serinthia's New Suit

Today, as she took another sip from her glass, serinthia was looking for swimsuits as she needed a new one to start the summer season with.

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Locker Room Tease (Snapshot Story)

He groaned a bit as he looked down at his new swimsuit, a tight blue speedo that his mother had picked up at the coach's request just a few hours ago.

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The sex poker party

Looking back, he saw the floatzel on his knees, smiling with a huge bulge in his swimsuit while he slowly was lowering his swimsuit. "i told you i'd win the next game and here i am.

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