Cold Autumn Nights

However, kerwyna, quite knowledgeable in body language, understood the evasive maneuvers of her friend and walked over to her briskly, sitting behind her and wrapping her arms about the barbarians shoulders and leaned her head against one, saying, "

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Cold Autumn Nights

However, kerwyna, quite knowledgeable in body language, understood the evasive maneuvers of her friend and walked over to her briskly, sitting behind her and wrapping her arms about the barbarians shoulders and leaned her head against one, saying, "

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Extreme Measures

"evasive maneuvers! now!" i shouted. the kryta jolted up to dodge the beam. the beam fired, slamming the bottom of the krytas engines, forcing engine 5 and 6 to go offline and to be separated from the hull. "open fire on the right battleship!

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The Witch

The helmsman already understood the need for evasive maneuvers. she tried to pick them through torrents of fire from the phase cannons while giving the shepherd regular opportunities to hammer the massive station with their own weapons.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Fourth Tale

"and take evasive maneuvers!" she paused. "oh, right i'm at the helm." she quickly grabbed the wheel and turned it. both ships continued to fire rockets that rained down on each other.

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In Utter Darkness: Chapter 6: Acceptable Losses

David shouted, "keep up your evasive maneuvers!" the pilot just ground his teeth, "i am trying, you try and evade anything in a crate like this!" i felt the plane shudder and heard the whine of energy weapons close by. "left wing is hit!"

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Eos 5: The Oasis

"i recommend evasive maneuvers until we can pull back to a safe distance." marthus shook the dizziness from his head. "yes on the first," he said. "but no on the second." "captain?" "get us closer."

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The War Chapter 1

evasive maneuvers!" mal didn't think what he was about to do would be very effective but he thought what the hell. since the captain's crew had all of the anti-tank material, mal had to improvise.

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D.E1 Chapater 62: The Third Offense Part VIII

Engage evasive maneuvers._**"darn it! get to your seats. we are being fired at!" storm yelled at his occupants. the warning just issued by the ship's computer informed of possible enemy fire. not seconds after, a visual confirmed this warning.

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An...Unexpected Outcome

The vixen used the evasive maneuvers her mother had taught her: bolting around trees and taking a path that was easy for a fox and hard for a wolf. the white beast nearly hit an oak as he gave chase, and kyra gained some ground.

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Legend High-Chapter 5

Andy growled and picked up a ball to throw, only to watch it get sent back with more, making him take evasive maneuvers. the balls stopped coming and jason, jalen, jamie, and michael were out.

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Thinking back it was all a blur of target locks and targeted locks, defensive and evasive maneuvers. to see it all standing there calm and safe was surreal. somehow i had saved taylor's tail twice, and he had returned the favor three times.

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