Drake makes a family
He taught her how to farm in a small area and how to haggle local vendors in the farmers market down on goods. anna was surprised how well he got along with her.
A Day in the Life
So far his morning and afternoon had been quite productive, having picked up all of the ingredients he was secretly hoping for at the farmer's market a few dozen blocks away in fantastic, unseasonably warm weather.
Sexcapades of the Neighborhood: Prologue
Her family owns a large farm in pokétopia, and she's now the owner of her family's farmer's market. maggie combines a lot of her knowledge about plant properties with her medicinal teachings to increase the ability of modern medicines.
Cash register dings filled the air of the farmer's market. concentrating on the sounds in the background she didn't feel the long downward tug on her collar, and to her horror she bumped into someone.
The Best Recipe
And perhaps goose eggs rather than chicken...oooh, and some ham, too, lovely prosciutto from the farmer's market... the sabre-tooth worked happily, assembling the food and then starting to chop it up with deft motions.
4 Dollars' Worth Part 1 - Zootopia R34 - Commission for Basque
Judy spent a small fortune at the nearest farmers' market, making sure every ingredient was sourced from her own bunny burrow. nick, meanwhile, unpacked their belongings so that she would come back to a house fully prepared for living in.
Up To Bat
\>you made sure these were farmers market fresh, and not that nasty three month frozen crap from a walmart \>you also decided to shotgun the selection at the time, thinking one of them should be good enough \>she is a fruit bat after all \>only problem
The Submissive Sow
It was the day of the farmers' market, and there was a good crowd. the slaves were lined up for sale by the town government to pay for their various crimes.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 49
market square.
Hits You Like Sunlight
"return the tome...to the guy at the farmers market...late fees." my eyes close and i lose consciousness for the second time that day. while recovering in the hospital amber and i would discuss plans for the future.
Something to Do
She was on the edge of the local farmers market, and ventured in. it did have some of the usual things of the farmers market, fresh produce and the like, but it was also a hot spot for food carts and arts and crafts stands.
Legal Issues - Chapter 1 [TF / Cow]
I go out into the community, to the farmer's market and i meet the town folk. they remember me from when i was a kid and they're more than happy to see me taking over my father's land.