Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 20

find home. soon." "me too, buddy," the sereva said with another sigh. he briefly glanced back to the tree to make sure lykou was still asleep before continuing, slightly quieter.

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Sticky Justice 3: WOOFKNOT Rises

He placed his paws on enil's hips and guided the snow leopard back down into his lap, his flared cocktip easily finding home between the cat's cheeks.

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Dante's Girl - Ch 1 - The Club

His knot soaked in juices was stuffed into her firmly, slickly finding home and swelling to lock him inside and to top it off he leant over her and bit the back of her neck, howling into her fur as he began to unload thick hot bursts of potent wolf seed.

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Catholic Bitch: Cathouse for Dogs

How was he going to find homes for all of them? what a headache! _yip!_ both men glanced down. at their feet, they saw bentley on meaghan's back, and he was pumping his cock into her once again.

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University Days - "Call Me Captain"

Hunter leaned down and kissed the bear on the lips sweetly, ace's paws finding home in the felines now sweaty back fur. he groaned, tasting the mix of the captain's spit and his own musky bear taste left in the lion's mouth.

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Waxing Moon Ch. 1 - New Moon

Instead of finding home, i was attacked and raped by another pokemon, then saved by a pokemon that only ended up turning against me and breaking my heart. whatever dreams i had of going home were shattered.

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Cub Services | Chapter 2

Cub tracker was the system that they used to help find homes for cubs; it was also where they kept notes on cubs and made digital copies of their files.

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"i try my damnedest to find homes for all of my cubs.

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Love in the eyes of a beast

It keeps the arcanine happy, and ensures all the puppies find homes and loving trainers."

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We Are The Shadows: Jack's Story

People preferred a nice small cat or a dog but larger species often struggled to find homes, as was the case with lucky boy. it wasn't until the visit of two equines that lucky boy found a home.

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Tail - Chapter 23

We stay like that, wrapped in one another, for a while, lost in our own heads and finding home in each other's arms. i let my tears run their course and dry my eyes on his fur. "i'm sorry," i say, disentangling myself from him.

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I am, By Honour, Bound - [Chapters 1 & 2]

If we ever wanted to have a chance of leaving the centre, finding homes and better lives, we would have to act in an honourable manner. so i worked hard in the fields, i sweated and toiled until i was ready to drop.

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