Red Moon: Chapter 10

Dmitri also had a chance to see what he was up against even though there wasn't a single person that would be able to take him on in the city in a fist fight. the man was tall and muscular, but not in the way dmitri was.

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Chapter One

He was strong and swift, would sooner get into a fist fight than talk anything out. the twins were dominate and harsh with anyone they met. barely able to acquire jobs themselves from the hub.

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Drunken Haze

They made quite the pair, where nick was a pacifist, mark had gotten into many a fist fight on his behalf.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Four

I clenched my fist, fighting the urge to slam ethan's head into the door a few more times, and called back, "it's us, mom. we're, uh, heading out for a little bit." "you absolutely are not!" dad argued.

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Revolution | Chapter XXIX: Night's Mercy

If the time came i needed to defend myself, i had an armed weapon and could take any man in a fist fight if they tried to ambush me. the leaves were no match against my machete, so i cut them down with ease as i made my way back to the base.

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Savannah Blues part 10

The audienced turned away some mumbling how sorry they felt, other's grumbling that they didn't get into a fist fight. and a few wishing they had made up, kissed and fucked right there.

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Humble Opinions

I don't think i could've trusted rory to be much of a help in a fist fight at the moment, even if he used those crutches as makeshift weapons. victor's ears jumped and he looked at victor with a puzzled expresson on his face.

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Danyel's Story Ch.2. Fisher

Shame wasn't strong enough to take one of these boys on alone in a fist fight. as he stared down at the bleeding corps in his living room shame heard a slight whimper from the coat closet. in an instant he knew what had happened to thorn.

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Knowledgeable Hasbeens, Accompaniment

Despite her tendencies towards kleptomania and his penchant for drunken fist fighting, she was impressed they'd got on so well, especially considering the manner in which they'd met. "in new delta? one more night, if that.

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The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 19: Only the Beginning

This is truly the beginning, of what, shit i don't know, about 100 gunfights, 100 fist fights, and about as many battles then you can shake an m74d at.

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Spooktober—October 2021 #2 (Science Fiction Gore)

As he reached down to grab fern by his collar and yank him up for an extraterrestrial fist fight, harsh radio static filled the now hazy air around the three members of team alpha.

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StarFox:Wolf's New Hope Chapter 2

Waits it's freaking james mccloud.he was wearing his starfox uniform with his sunglasses.both james and dad got into a fist fight in result james won."leave!" i won't forget this mccloud!"

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