Homes for Bunnies

She gasped and moaned loudly as she felt her birth canal stretch to take in the foreign object. it was warm, and oddly shaped. there was a place where the ball came back down but became a shaft, then stretched wider but thinner.

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Shadow Stalkers Cross over pt5

The ehp had been set to heal burns, not scan for foreign objects. and even if it had, marsh thought, the stone wasn't a foreign object as it was a part of her. with that, he knew that the other thing he had been sensing since she woke up was that stone.

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Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 5

The ehp had been set to heal burns, not scan for foreign objects. and even if it had, marsh thought, the stone wasn't a foreign object as it was a part of her. with that, he knew that the other thing he had been sensing since she woke up was that stone.

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Service Call

As his paws explored the new and foreign object, the realization that he was wet set in as he felt his teeny cock harden in that soft, plush diaper. his mind felt like it was in a dreamy haze as that exploration turned into something more instinctual.

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Los Señores Del El Diablo

I screamed into his maw as i felt the foreign object push itself deep into my ass. slowly it pulled out till only the tip remained before it trusted back into me.

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In my Father's Footsteps. Ch 1

With no foreign object present, i sigh a little in relief. she is a girl. "please," she begs, " no more. want you." her little claws begin to fumble with my belt.

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City Inn: Decoration

Carmen breathed heavily under the pain, she made a quick gesture to sign jay to wait a moment, so she could get used to the foreign object in her rear exit.

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A new toy

Leaning forward on his bed, he reached behind himself, moving his tail with his arm, and shaking with excitement as he felt the cold tip of the foreign object at his tailhole.

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The Rabbit Hole: Part 1

Yojimbo felt the pressure of his anus being pushed against as it refused the foreign object entry. then, the pain of dry cock sliding against his tight insides forced a different kind of groan, one of pain instead of pleasure. yojimbo liked that, too.

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Chapter One - Earnest Desire

All of her possessions seemed to fit into a box, that was the only foreign object in my room. "how was your day?" she questioned me. "it was fine. tomorrow won't be. i have at least 3 exams and i really need to study."

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The Redeem: Chapter 2

I started on the pants, patting up, feeling for any foreign object not belonging on a felid body. his pockets were empty and nothing was on his chest. but i still had a few more places to check.

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New Series Preview

"i didn't realize it was a part of your body, i assumed it was a foreign object." the dragon scratched the back of his head in discomfort.

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