Relief: part 1

Max grinned and sat down on the floor by boston's feet as if a loyal dog sitting guard next to his master. boston eyed the small form, his eyes drawing up and down the slender frame and noticing familiarities they shared when he was fourteen as well.

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Ruins of Arladech: Tale of the Forgotten Princess (Betrayal)

"to be willing to die, for the safety of your child, that is what love is, despite how rough i was with vixen, her mother and i love her so very much, and don't even dare to think that she could have found a better husband even in the most loyal dog to my

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_a devoted and loyal - dogs valued loyalty, he'd found - slave, just looking for an owner he could_serve_. dogs liked the whole_alpha-canine_role, too, he'd found. "you must be, dog-sir, to go up and down the stalls. please, dog-sir, please look here!

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Corruption of the Dataheart: Bad End (Request for lordgriffin)

Together we will dominate the rest of the digital world" he grinned wolfishly as garurumon pressed into him like a loyal dog. \* meanwhile back in the human world, a handsome young man with blond styled hair and blue eyes was busy in a concert rehearsal

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My Sweet Mimi

Lenya signaled the loyal dog to get on his back once more. without waiting another minute, she inhaled as much of the big rod as her mouth can take. somehow, it was her fantasy to somewhat deep throat her mistress' partner.

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When the Wolves Come to Midgard

Cock still twitching, though no longer in view, the outpost watched in ecstasy as the loyal dog began to lap furiously against the folds of the pack leader.

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Malik's Delight, part 2

He sweated, frightened and hopeful in equal amounts, egging on the man to return in his mind, waiting to see his face again like a loyal dog its master. just a while longer, soon he would return, flashing through his covering mind...

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The Claim

This is obviously a vicious and unsubstantiated attack on a loyal dog's character by a jealous rival. why you even convened a tribunal based on anonymous hearsay is beyond me." "we have evidence, chancellor."

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Emerald Secrets: Prologue

Lyyreth followed him, almost like a loyal dog. "ones that want to travel beyond this forest. isn't that what mother has been trying to instill into you for years?" "yes yes." he hissed, remembering her words of only leaving when she deemed ready.

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Fool's Bargain

I'll be your loyal dog, your pet. just fuck me like the bitch i am. your bitch. fuck your bitch, please." cyan's little speech had fool so hard he ached.

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Sheep-Dog, Ch 10 - Purpose, Passion and Pain

He also marked the way the loyal dogs would snap at anyone that showed any open rebellion. one of his tasks was to sew dissent, but without raising suspicions.

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In the Name

Ignoring where the commander lay bleeding he merely followed like a loyal dog. "damn you! i'll kill you! i'll fucking kill you and your fucking goddess! you hear me?" karskin rolled onto his back sobbing.

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