Author's Notes: Mark and Kim

But until then, mark and kim plan to enjoy their married life, and their many, many romps in the hay, behind closed doors. :) by the way, i've also been asked for writing tips, and again, i'm flattered.

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Along Came A Spider - Chapter 1

Both families wanting the best start for their children in their married life and decided to give them both a large sum of money to help them start their life however they choose, enough money to buy a large house in nearly any place they could dream

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All in the Family

His married life was settled and enjoyable, with two fine children that were growing up right in front of his eyes. it should have been everything he needed in life, except... there was something that had started to bother him.

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A Night to Remember

Aiden and max had enjoyed married life for a while now, and the woman only had one semester left before graduating. they had decided that it was the perfect time to dive into something new and exciting. "someone seems eager to get home."

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The Adventures of Michael and Sam, Part 3

She was glad dan had suggested this; she was going to enjoy married life. michael "mmm, good boy," michael said, spreading his legs and placing his hands behind his head as nazrin bobbed and sucked on his cock.

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Shining Armor's Storybook Hour

As married life for the two went normally. so, with a big dumb grin on his face, he opened the box and quickly pulled out its contents. and then he just looked confused.

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The Secret - Part 23

"we also remained committed to a monogamous pairing with one another, and married a year and a day later, at beltane in 1989, with neither of us expecting anything but continuing a monogamous married life together.

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Chapter 58: First Orgasm

Maybe married life wouldn't be so bad. "keme?" she whispered contently. "hmm?" "i. . . . i think i love you." she looked at him sheepishly. "is that okay?" "no, please hate me," keme teased. she giggled.

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Perdie's Affair, Part 1 (Illustrated)

married life is okay, and i know living on the street has its ups and downs. but you have free reign over the entire city.

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Chapter 3

"think you're ready for married life, kid?" kilyan said eventually. yuri saw him draw one of the bags on the floor to himself. he pulled out a pipe and lit up. "is there such a thing as ready?" yuri answered with a half-smile.

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Carnal; Bromance

"i hear that," brent said as he leaned over and the two clinked bottles, "but married life seems to be treating you okay."

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Musical Revelations

Having dared to look at his face, flashed of thoughts of a married life rushed past. a compassionate man, a caring man, a man who loved her as much as she loved him. all things haida certainly would be. fuck it. she pushed herself up.

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