Never Trust A Smiling Cat

He leaned a little farther over the black feline's back to grab hold of his wrists and hold them in place, an action that brandon made no effort to fight; there is no aphrodisiac like power and in that moment the two cats were not friends, but master and slave

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He Who Would Be Master: 8 (Angel's Eyes)

"the important part is that this is an open forum, for masters and slaves to be properly trained," j patted angel's shouder. "why?" j rubbed his beard, regarding angel, seeming to ponder exactly how to answer.

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Friend and Slave Chapter 4 - Defective

The relationship between master and slave isn't one of love or affection...." the principal shakes his head. "i wonder why no one noticed this before... it's almost like you're completely unaffected by the initiance process.

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Fates of the Unicorns 80 - Tight Ropes

They seemed almost like friends at times, then a "yes master" would come out and they were once again master and slave. it was all so confusing and complicated.

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Only in My Wildest Dreams...or Nightmares

A master and slave pairing, the kangaroo rat mused. "what fantastic entertainment they have set up for us this year," the larger feline spoke. he glared at jacob, his slitted eyes peering through the mask.

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Chapter 2

Maybe if i could get him to break out of his tough boy shell, he and i could get along as a master and slave...i was starting to like this guy. he came to a stop, humming as he went to the back of the jeep with me in tow.

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The Gladiator, Chapter 2

"that's because you don't understand the relationship between a master and slave. you think that you can have meaningful discourse with someone below you, but you can't.

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Journey back to the Anthrosavroi: The Amazons

Suddenly, both master and slave got rapped on the side of their heads by the butt of a sword and the world gone black for them. \*\*\*\* alexander awoke in a bed covered with tiger skins.

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Raven's Capture 2

Maybe if i could get him to break out of his tough boy shell, he and i could get along as a master and slave...i was starting to like this guy. he came to a stop, humming as he went to the back of the jeep with me in tow.

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The Beast 2

Something about the two's interactions made him think that they are not just master and slave relationship. _it's just different._ "the room's in second floor's yours, room number 8, thank you," said the innkeeper as he handed over the key to kohan.

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nuaghty ponies shop

She left with the big dragon dildo, the clit toy and the whip, as well as a book on master and slave roll playing. i smiled and decided to see how my cast was doing. as i pulled it from the cast it was just how i remembered it.

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A little Something Different, Part 3

Our relationship, aside from us always fucking like rabbits and snuggling like bunnies, could be easily described as master and slave. not the whole "tie me up and slap me across the face" kind of thing. that's not my thing at all.

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