Fallout: Part 4: Bar hopping

"at the pharmacy, you were hiding something from me, do you have any medical conditions or something?" he asked concerned. "oh no, not at all." she said drinking more coffee, and perhaps hiding her face at the same time.

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Big Cat Afternoon 1: Intro

Stopping, i turned as a group clumps near on the lower floor, about two feet below me, and answer questions for a bit, telling them that every so often we check the cats' medical conditions and do training with them.

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The Boy with the Wolf Eyes 4

She will be able to better explain his medical condition," hinato finished and she grew silent after. after a few minutes of the silence, i could not take it anymore and slowly removed my blindfold.

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I. Breaking routine

It's easier to claim you have a medical condition when your diaper doesn't have pictures of fire hydrants and bones on the taping panel. "do you think you'd enjoy that?" "ashleigh being a puppy? no, that'd be way too weird!"

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Family Business

Family Business * * * # Prince Tesem's Suite, The Grand Palace, Luxor Neo Egypt, Planet Vasily (YG-4), Yangu-Grurra System 05:41, 8/1/3, 24 XP * * * "Nm... I'm glad you're so warm, Sugartits." Tesem sank his head beneath the sheets of...

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T. Aropo Vine Zoo - Chapter Seven: Ear's Lookin' At You, Kid

In my case, because of a medical condition i've got, i, quite literally, get sick anytime i leave huntington for an extended period of time." finnick raised a brow. "really?" "yeah, i've got what's called geolocational depression...

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Spa Day

After a brief interview to find out if they had any medical conditions or anything of the sort, the therapists left the room to allow them to shake off their robes and climb atop the tables.

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Filling the Christmas Air

No one else lived with him and neither did any of his neighbours had a medical condition that needed an inhaler that he knew of. but he didn't need one as well, so what gives? ace picked up the inhaler once more, fidgeting it in his hands.

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Chapter 3; Broken Hand and Deals

"i have a medical condition that prevents me from registering pain." he sighed sadly, "but i can still feel the injuries themselves, so i've gotten good at detecting broken bones." "then we'd best get you to a hospital."

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How Sandy Met Robbie - Part 14

When he had made a friend and that friend had discovered that the squirrel had to wear diapers at night due to a medical condition, the aftermath had almost killed him.

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Suraksha (Security)

What had began as necessary precautions against accidents had become a guilty pleasure: after the hormonal surges of puberty combined with his persistent medical condition, aditya found in his late teens that his hormone-flooded brain had make a very strong

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Tock's Tales - Intro & Glossary

There are medicines and potions that have no real-world counterparts though, so healers treat medical conditions differently than would be possible in rl.

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