TwoKinds Prequel: Loyalty (Female Clovis Version)

It was a good night to get away from the estate for a while. Clovis walked down the streets of a nearby village, going toward the town's pub to get a drink. Of course at home she could have any of the expensive wines or ales that were in a special...

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Inner Self [Werewolves; Muscle growth; Females]

[\_InnerSelf.pdf]( Here is my second story, still focused around my two OCs, Adele and Sophia. I hope you like it, and as with the first...

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Teaser: Leashed - Transformed into a Female Dog and bred

(Excerpt from somewhere close to the middle of the story. Josh is a pudgy human accountant, Titania is a stunning Lady with magical abilities, who likes to breed dogs) Transformation They actually traveled toward her hotel room! Josh felt...

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Female Friendship (FNAF Mangle Vore Story)

Female Friendship ~By: RedNastyFox and VetorHuskySamuria Dec 13, 2015 Mangle saves her friend Toy Chica from old Chica's belly and eats the predator to make sure her pal will stay safe. ...

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Female-on-Male Tickle Rape: Nick Wilde

It's a beautiful day here in Zootopia. The animals are all happy, and Nick and Judy now live in their own home. Nick is just laying down on the bed, relaxing. ''\*Sighs\*..... What a nice day! I finally gets some peace and I finally get to marry a...

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Female-on-male Tickle Rape: Fox McCloud

The vision became dark, but then it became light as the vision became blurry but then clearer and clearer. A groan before him. ''Ooooh..... Oh man....... This is what happened when you allowed Slippy to do the work.'' Fox said. He stands up and looks...

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Female on Male Tickle Rape: Sly Cooper.

As the shadow sneaks around the building, he hides and runs, staying as quiet and sneaky as possible. The shadow then sees the front door leading to the treasure he seeks. ''Alright.... This is it.'' He said. He then slowly and quietly opens the door,...

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Female on Male Tickle Rape: Robin Hood.

Robin Hood is being captured by the female guards, as he walked with the guards completely naked. His hands are chained up behind his back, and the female guards even tries to flirt, and creep him out by caresses his chest and trying to touch his dick....

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Ways to love your brother- female POV

\*\*A/N- here's a little somethin' I wrote up for the pure pleasure of writing such a subject. Enjoy.\*\* for Of The Wilds Warning!- if you are male, you may want to ready yourself for this. . . Sitting in my large Victorian style room,...

Six Short Hanging Stories -- female version

Here are six short-short stories inspired by drawings. They were originally written to a 100 word limit, but I'm raising the limit to 250 so I can furry-ize them. #### Making a Difficult Choice Inspired by the Dolcett drawing, Git85...

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Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Jon Talbain.

Jon Talbain is now on the mountains howling into the air as usual. He was battling all his opponents and now there was nobody to defeat him. As he walks to his home he yawns. ''Man....... Fighting sure is tiring...... I better get some rest....'' He...

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Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Shining Armor.

It was a nice day here in Equestria. Everyone is enjoying their lives. But one day, a queen is sitting at her throne with a really mad expression. ''Grr....... Why can't I EVER get Shining Armor as my fucking husband!? He's ALWAYS with that Princess...

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