The Dragon's Boytoy Knight - Ch06

Those who were at least partially human, i was able to quickly discard. the curse would either follow me, in the case of such as a minotaur, or i would lose a large part of myself, in the case of such as a harpy.

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The Collar Chronicles: Horse Justice (Chp 4)

His mind was still partially human, and something in him wanted to drag this out. he strained on his hind legs as he pushed his shaft deeper into the virgin passage. x yelped as she felt something tear in her.

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Snake Vs. Subconscious

The still partially human's head bobbed down and he gurgled in pleasure as his still uncovered snake cock throbbed and a drop of clear pre dripped down the side. "no, you lack finesssse.

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"Family Tails" - Chapter 13

After all, if other living things that humans had a certain weakness for were at least partially human, then _maybe_ humans would be less likely to harm them. not that humans had a particularly good track record in not harming each other, though.

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Grandma's Boy

He managed to grunt, that being the last partially human sound he could manage. no, it's not fair! he thought, as it became harder and harder to think, to concentrate. i'm human, it's not fair!!!

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Cerulean Croc

Soon enough she would be laying which meant soon enough she could be human, or at least partially human. and then what? how long would that last before she was mated again? was this her life now, a cruel cycle of shifting forms and functions? "enjoy!"

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Exotic Pets and Companions, Inc., PUNISHMENT

Omg i realized, i'm a sheep, but a real sheep not a bipedal partially human hybrid.

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Furside - Chapter 14, Raptor

"i am partially human right?" she asked off-handedly, as if they were having a normal conversation. "correct, i created you with human and raptor dna." he replied matter-of-factly. "the combination makes for quite a beautiful mix."

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The Jaguar God

She surprised me by transforming in the blink of an eye all the way into a jaguar, then jumping up on top of a boulder before changing back to partially human form, and then sitting down, her legs crossed, the view, well, arousing as her spread legs left nothing

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Role Reversal, Week 1

Your dna has been altered, it looks like every human female on the planet is only going to be partially human from now on." "h... how far is it going to go?" the transforming girl asked, eyes wide, afraid. "we don't know.

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Transforming Mandy

She looked down at her body, she was covered in hair, was only partially human anymore. how was this possible? how could this have happened, and why had her clothes disintegrated like that?

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Gnawed (old)

Alts, due to their only partially human physiques, were unable to wear human styled clothing. instead they chose simple loose clothing such as coveralls or wraps similar to traditional greek, middle-eastern, or japanese cultures.

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