The Hunters

No disappointment here, the moose is perfect, dark red, with just a little bit of fat around the edge. i know it's been frozen of course, but they warm it up to the right temperature so at least it feels fresh.

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Should've Known Better

He was on his knees, a metal pole tied to his back keeping him standing upright, he was cooked a perfect dark brown. he had a little charing on his meat, but just enough to add to his flavor and not take away from it.

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Earning his Grades

Connie's body felt warm and numb, but with the perfect dark silence, it was only appropriate, wasn't it? he leaned into those feelings, letting the relaxation engulf him.

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Act 2 Part 2: The New World / The Communion of Sky and Earth

Eddie nodded curtly, taking a moment to look around to get better acclimated to his surroundings before he started trying to throw his arms about in the near perfect dark.

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Baited, Broken, and Set Free.

The music was suddenly cut, and the lights dimmed to perfect darkness. the entire room went silent almost instantly. a booming voice came from center stage as clomp began to speak, and the unmistakable words: "number 47. front and center!"

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Simon was once again alone in the perfect darkness. he spat out blood and another dislodged tooth and wondered if his head injury was severe enough to kill him.

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Tail - Chapter 11

I hold him like that for several minutes, staring at his silhouette in the near-perfect dark of the room. the arm under his neck begins to go numb, but i hold it in place regardless. i listen to his breathing and feel him against me.

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Too Small

Stars glittered high above in the perfectly dark expanse, interrupted only by the circling stones of a planetary ring. beyond those ivory asteroids rested the blue marble of the planet below.

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Amber's Journey to Mindlessness

She ached to see it, but she had to walk in perfect darkness. her new position is kneeling on some soft pads, with the steel in her back connected to another rod and her ankles confined in another set of metal restraints.

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Chronicles of Cody, The Discovery

With shaky hands, he ran his fingers through her perfect, dark turquoise fur right above her lips. he looked up to her beautiful bright turquoise eyes, then looked at her perfect brown hair.
