Fall of man dawn of a new age chap 1 rewrite

He went to the ground equipment repair shop and clocked in. joe walked up to a red hair guy who was an inch shorter than him and his boss. "john, what's the plan of attack today?" john turned around "joe go get lift tuck #354.

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Vic Wildsyde, the Fallen King

He never returned to his love of competitive martial arts, but instead vic helps run his cousin's motorcycle repair shop-a hobby turned livelihood-and fixes both new and classic bikes.

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Fallen Ch Two

It say mich's repair shop." i chuckled lighty. "your name is mich?" she growled and grabbed the opening of my hoodie, tearing it off and throwing it across the room. "michelle, my full name is michelle. what's yours prey?"

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Somewhere Only We Know: Ch. 2

It was currently sitting in a repair shop and _very_ slowly getting repaired. it would probably be another few weeks until the baby could even work anymore.

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Drudgery (HH)

"i used to work in a car repair shop at some point," i said. "before the army." "really?" "yeah," i said. "i didn't know that." well i didn't put it on my fucking cv or anything. "helped me a lot when i was doing tech in the army, yeah," i said.

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Ecstasy or Oblivion - Session 12

Https://www.patreon.com/zmeydros » » _kamehameha station, asteroid belt_ « « i was back in a corner of the fcat repair shop on animsys's grounds. kwame was there with a robot that reminded me of an owl.

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Too Much For One Day

"because, a few hours ago the battery blew out on mine and i can't take it to the repair store until next week, you know how that shit's a fortune!

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You and Me and Pokemon

Oh, before i forget, your pokegear came back from the repair shop, here." "thanks mom," i said, taking the device from her. "no problem. looks like this sunday isn't going to be that boring for you after all." "nope," i replied.

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Not another job hunting

Since he was already here, the wolf decided to not bail and approached the clunky looking door, like it was leading to a repair shop owned by a greased up hog or other person.

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Pandemic-Day 48 11:08AM 1/9/2023-Chapter 18-Engine Swap Day 2

Lucky for me this engine had been rebuilt, probably by a cummin's repair shop and it had the rod i needed, but it had nothing else to offer.

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His auto repair shop was doing good business, though the paperwork was a - liam's train of thought was derailed by the sound of a door being opened. he squinted through the nearest gap and looked out into the bedroom beyond.

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All's Fair - Part 8

Apparently ivan worked for a dealership's repair shop. my ears had drooped a little when he mentioned it; he'd never told me that. still hadn't, in fact; he was mostly ignoring me. still.

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