Chapter 15: What Happens In Prison...

Testimony from tobias was supported by saliva recovered from the wolf's fur as well as a semen sample from his rectum. justin's dna was in both.

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Children of Earth - Part 4

In that time they had tortured him and, worst of all, collected dna and semen samples from him. they were obviously planning something. a little research told him that shortly after the war started, dragons left elven space en masse.

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Beefy's Story: Part 1 B

"this is electro ejaculator, i'm going to use it to collect a semen sample." he stated calmly, and devoid of emotion. " w-wha?" i stammered.

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Distant Earth CYOA part 2

That you will no longer be able to father a child unless you have a frozen sperm sample? there are significant risks of feral bleedthrough, that is animal traits that will have impact on your personality and may very well change your behaviours?

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The Lucky Kat Scores

I have your test results from your semen sample. they're in the drawer the-aye!" rupert shrieked as he shot like a cannon all over his table. lucky fetched the papers for rupert then gave them to the rat to read. "well, mr.

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Mass Marketing

Finally, they asked for a semen sample. "a..wha?" "semen sample. don't worry, we'll leave that up to you." i blinked as i was handed a cup and pointed towards a small room.

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Beginning of the End (A2,B3,C1)

If she chooses to fight her instincts and stay with vincent, then i will artificially inseminate her with a frozen sperm sample i took from her brother the last time he was in my laboratory.

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A Twist in the Moment (Chap4, Act2, Book1)

I have a sperm sample. enough has been extracted that i can use it in lieu of him. the fact remains that fox has become a liability. a problem. topaz will survive under any condition and that is all that matters.

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A Quick Check-Up

Now... before we conclude, mr fang, i'm going to need a sperm sample."

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Therapy - Session 5

"going to give us a sperm sample, pup? we should really test everything, make sure you're clean. but i'm sure you've been a good boy, using protection every time."

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An Endless Voyage continued ch 14

As part of the lesson he got to watch doc natalie perform a transrectal ultrasound pregnancy checkup on callie, then take detailed bioscans and collect a sperm sample from ace, followed by a prostate exam.

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