
Here's the [[Next]]( Chapter. He floated around relaxed and eyes closed. A large body swam passed him. His eyes opened. "Hello? Hmm. I guess it's nothing." He felt it swim passed him a few more times. He circled...

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Where All the Bones are Buried P2

~Steele In agonizing moderation snow whirled around us, complemented by hail that felt like stones on our backs. We were pelted hard, battered and bruised, stung and bombarded by a cacophony of sound. We staggered through it two creatures clinging to...

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Gift of Dragon

A shadow looms over you, air seeming to collapse around you suddenly as it grows; you look up: a massive feral dragon is dropping at you! Duck-and-cover, the ground around you quakes, but the shadow remains. Finally, after a minute or so of nothing...

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The Big Bad Wolf

Kyle stood at the dark mouth of the forest, his wool bag limp across his shoulder and the winter wind at his back. The path before him curved down into a valley, twisted sharply, and went out of sight of where he stood; and the wide moon kept it dimly...

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Party of Ten VII – The Groom

Dean had turned around when he heard Will cry out. He looked back at Chad, still standing in the intersection. Chad was looking in his direction, as if he sensed he was being watched, or if he was waiting for something. He gave Dean a playful wink...

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Edugaytion Ch. 2 - Oral Exam

It had been three days since Quinn's first lesson with Travis, a Saturday afternoon that once again found Quinn alone in his house, waiting for the dragon to arrive. Already he was lightly dressed, and he expected Travis to be the same...partly because...

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The Experiment II – The Marked

Pushing back in his chair, Craig Meadows sighed. Below where his feet had been was the box, bloated with unmarked exam papers for Professor Warren's class for the semester that just completed._Got to get to those soon. Fuck._ He could hear Professor...

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Smashing Time by SummonTheElectorCounts

1968. In the balance of things, Markus liked London. He liked the gardens and courtyards of Kensington, he liked the snug little flat he had to himself, and he liked the English people. His...

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Deer Hunt

Deer Hunt Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Gotommax The clatter of an old Playstation 2 controller filled the room as yet another hour ticked by. The glow of the television spilled out across a young man wearing just basketball shorts and...

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The Ring

The office was tidier than he'd expected it to be, which still wasn't saying much considering that it was regularly inhabited by, of all things, a rat. A few stacks of neatly organized paperwork- much like what the aforementioned rat labored over now-...

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A Hot Piece of Ass

Feeling dejected, not for the first time in recent days, Troy turned off his phone, not even caring if there was a chance he would eventually get a call. It was far past the point of expecting a callback, anyway. Troy didn't want to delete the woman's...

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Ass Out of You, Not Me

"And, so then, the bitch tried to call me out on Twitter, but I shut her down! She blocked me, so that means I win!" Jan declared, Sara laughing at that with the cadence of a high school hanger-on. Though the pair of them were in their late twenties,...

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