Chapter Five

Her tail whipped furiously at her ankles. "you're already testing my hospitality, ghoul." she said frostily. "but i have been promised that you have a strong back, and you are fortunate that i can't afford to turn that away right now.

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Mitch: Crossing the Ex-es

I grinned, my tail jerking in excitement against my side as i hopped up onto all fours, and bared my ass up into the air for him, tail whipped aside as i showed off my lusciously snug boy pucker to him.

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Katadarnyatarina the Protector

But just as the bee becomes complacent, the dragon spins around with a speed that her large form should not be able to produce, her tail whipping around and striking the bee, sending her zooming down to the forest floor.

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They both seem to be snorting steam out of nostrils flared with excitement, tails whipping behind them. the boss sets the film down, closes the doors, closes the blinds, dims the lights, pulls the view-screen.

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His draconic tail whipped to the side in an irritated manner, a habit he could never overcome. "besides, you know how territorial he is." jakob's claws digging into the bench they sat upon as his long, vulpine ears curled back in a frightening gesture.

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Another Night At Grandmas (part 1)

As if acting on its own accord, my tail whipped around, wrapping around the older wolfs finger before twisting, forcing his wrist to twist with it.

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Freedom Fire Chapter 9: Offspring of Warriors

In the split second before the tail whip hit seraphor, he took a strong breath, as if he wanted to breathe fire out.

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Sin's Homecoming

She could hear a low grunt nearby as another lion stepped up to her, his tail whipping up as he lowered himself down.

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Tamati's Kobolds

Meekle squeezes her nestmate and nuzzles against her back, her tail whipping back and forth in her delight. teekle lets out high-pitched squeaks and gasps with each thrust tamati gives her, filling her up.

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A is for...

Gap wiped dry, charlie went back to simply being a seat, tail whipping under him, enjoying his day with his face thoroughly marked.

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Vore Month 08/12 - Hungry Like the Wolf

Instinctively, maki's tail whipped out of those jaws, and he tried to stand using those slobber-soaked teeth as platforms. they were slippery, though, and he couldn't get a foot hold.

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All three mice were moaning; snarling and growling their pleasure, like a trio of feral beasts; long, wide lengths plunging into tight, hungry rears as their mated; tails whipping each other's backs to keep the crazed sex going.

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