Chapter 6 - Understandings

I remember her saying that all the test subjects needed to be terminated before something would happen. that's what i was to them, a test subject. even worst they plan on killing me in a certain amount of time.

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GTU - Genesis of failure

Limitless funds where poured into research and test subjects. dr. alphonas records his research and his final moments.

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Section 2

Have you put any thought into what you're going to do about getting some test subjects?" she wondered. "i've been working out several deals with a few hospitals in the state.

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Hangover: Cowbell Cure

George was oblivious and continued to point out locations and name the test subjects in each house. astrid is ts10, but there is only 5 other test subjects in the valley at the moment. three live elsewhere and one is no longer even on the island.

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Made to Milk

Why is one of the researchers here as a test subject? maple did that too, about two years ago."

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Twenty Six

"well, i hardly think i need permission to retrieve one of my test subjects," dr. lacken chuckled. his scalp was shiny with sweat. "amber is not one of your test subjects," wrogan said.

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Thursday Prompt 8/28/2018 Carrier

Alister mccarthy asked from the control room looking down on the test subjects 'b' and 'd' as they were each bitten in turn. a single bite was all it would take.

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Mind Control Tales: Hypno Bears Edition 1

"you really don't remember being a test subject?" "test subject?" myers said, confused. he was certain he'd never been any kind of test subject. "buddy, i think you've got me mixed up with someone else..."

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I dropped on all fours, completely naked and ready, trying my best to be patient, while my test subject was coating his member with slick substance. i was now very close.

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A Date With a Scientist (Anthro Cat TF)

Therefore, we need to recruit test subjects in common situations, like, for example, a date. i know this is a bit too much to ask you, but..." mary stopped for a second, "are you willing to be our test subject?" "sure," mike replied.

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Into This World

Perhaps unique foods, a chance to get up and stretch, or perhaps exposure to another test subject... anything to keep him occupied.

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Sp.I.C.E: Special Interspecies Cohabitation Experiment

"it is not in my programming to greet the test subjects, only to monitor and advise." was the reply test subjects, the phrase made my skin crawl, however i had signed up for this programme so i was hardly in a position to raise any objections..