The Furry Dead (Medieval Style) Part II - Chapter 6 - Wintry Calm

The undead were advancing on him in their shambling gait, crushing hard-frozen snow with the shattering sounds of ten thousand bones, and his time was short.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 22

Comments and criticism are very much welcome :) Chapter 22 Olliver lowered his massive, invisible armored shoulder and plowed straight through his second building in less than ten minutes, grinning with angry satisfaction as he took out his...

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The Furry Dead Chapter XII - Forest Above, Tunnel Below

Hi everybody. Sorry if this chapter feels a little drawn-out. I couldn't figure out a way to section it up well. Suggestions and comments always welcome! Chapter XII - Forest Above, Tunnel Below Captain Summers shifted in the saddle, posting...

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The Furry Dead Chapter XVI - Sparks

Meanwhile, the two guards continued to advance, ignoring his warning entirely. "strip him and tie him face-down to the bed. we'll see how much disrespect he can muster with his arse torn open."

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Torpedo Run Chapter 18

Chapter 18 As the jump-counter dropped to zero, Captain Adriana Leith braced herself. Even the best calculations and mathematical genius could be wrong by a few seconds when it came to relativistic travel, and though dangerous errors were rare,...

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Furry Dead (Medieval Style) Part II - Chapter 2 - Of Rivers, Empires, and Coming Storms

._ so, even as blackened iron spears hurtled toward his face and chest, the lupine warrior and tale-spinner let nothing delay his bloody advance.

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Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter Seven © Cederwyn Whitefurr 21stJuly, 2019 Lord Blaze looked over his wine glass, twirling it delicately between his fingers as he thought for a moment. "What troubles you Lord Kalais?" Lord Blaze inquired, tilting...

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Advanced Self-Care [YCH Commission]

dddddddddThe leopard shifted his posture in his seat, the last fifteen minutes of the professor's lecture already gone from his head. His mind was elsewhere, as it had been since his first errand before class this morning; he had wanted to take the day...

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The Briin Expedition 2: Advance Guard

With each advance he felt, the organ at his tip squeezed a lump down its length that terminated against him. it drew out the surging pleasure of contact like rolling thunder. it reached a sudden peak, then ceased.

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Commissioned Work: Advanced Uses for Possession

. ~~~~~~ advanced uses for possession etrien hurried through the forest. he hadn't been paying attention to the time, and it was already nearly 3 in the afternoon, the training session was almost over, so he had to hurry.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 27

Chapter 27 One of Clicks' warrior drones exploded, as a coherent energy beam lanced through its center with a terrible crunching curdling noise, instantly atomizing its viscera and detonating its shell, chunks bouncing off the armored walls. SSGt...

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Torpedo Run Chapter 16

This chapter has -holy crap!- gay porn in it! Enjoy! Unless of course you're not legal to read it. In which case rawr go do whatever it is teenagers do that isn't masturbation! Comments, critique, and so on welcome. Chapter 16 Jared Bull...

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