
Glitterpated SynTech Slushpile #26 By Danath Characters © Boo3 \* \* \* The coffee shop stood alone at the far end of the parking lot of the shopping center. Two drive-thru lanes ran around either side of the long, narrow business, the outside of...

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The ECF Plot

**The ECF Plot** SynTech Slushpile #24 By Danath ( Characters © Maloo \* \* \* Stretchy, matte black fabric stretched and pulled across enormous shoulders and arms, distending outward over the huge swells of an impressive chest...

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Gloria's Spacation

**Gloria's Spacation** By Danath Gloria's previous story: []( \* \* \* A large bronze sedan with black trim and dark windows nosed its way around the large half-circle...

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Pride and Joy

**Pride and Joy** _By Danath_ _Characters © Boo3_ _Written during Freebies Vol. 86: Open Menu Edition_ \* \* \* "Hey, gang! Welcome to another great video! Today, Joy and I are going to visit the headquarters of BooBrew, a new health drink...

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Value Added Growth (A SynTech Story)

Value Added Growth (A SynTech Story) Remetheus © Remetheus Written during Freebies Stream Vol. 71: Corporate Advancement (1/3/2019). \* \* \* "Dr. Remetheus, while we are impressed by your body of work, I'm afraid SynTech is still not willing to...

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The H.I.L.T.

The end * * * # the living room (altersex/herm, hyper-macro) \*\*\* internal use only \*\*\* \*\*\* not for public viewing \*\*\* \*\*\* do not broadcast \*\*\* after those warning signs appeared on the enormous projector screen, five or ten minutes

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Welcome to Poolfillers, Inc.

**Welcome to Poolfillers, Inc.** SynTech Slushpile #25 By Danath ( Characters © QuilDewIvy \* \* \* "Quil? The doctor is ready for you now. This way, please." Quil nodded and followed the tall skunkette with a waspy figure...

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For Her Enclave

"Hey, Trissie," Zeeeah caught the pup's attention, smiling. "C'n I see your keys?" The glossy caramel yinglet swayed her tail, long stick-like legs wiggling at the edge of the couch. When she was standing, she hardly met three feet, not including her...

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Abi & the Bizarre Cigar: A Mabel Greysmoke Tale

Abi & the Bizarre Cigar: A Mabel Greysmoke Tale SynTech Slushpile #17 By Danath Characters © Ursasoul \* \* \* "Thank you, Ms. Blacksmoke, and please enjoy the rest of your day." The secretary, a plump-bottomed otter, held the door for the...

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The Tails of Graduation - Part (7/9)

The Tails of Graduation - Part 7 by Zmeydros (edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic) Violet's basement room was a universe unto itself. Crystal and Violet had painted nebulas on her midnight blue walls freshman year. Violet's rock and mineral...

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Fed Up feat. VivianBoo

Fed Up By Danath Commissioned by and characters © VivianBoo \* \* \* A pair of hands, slim fingers curled into precise fists, reached up in unison. Slender wrists flexed as they beat a dual staccato rhythm on the heavy and imposing dark walnut...

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New Year's Deer - Part 4/4

New Year's Deer - Part 4 ~A Mingling Universes Story~ by Zmeydros with contributions from SecretSkunk (edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic) Don, Val, and I cleaned up in the bathroom while Ezzie and Rosa called their superiors. It seemed we'd...

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