The Tables Turned

The following story contains swearing, n/c, violence, nudity, kidnapping and anthromorphism (furries). if you don't like it, get out!

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The Anthro Virus: The Start of Something New

It was only natural he assumed, now that he too was infected with anthromorphism. the rare disease that affected only men and made short work of their humanity, turning them into humanoid animal men, furry and bestial.

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M-H - First Time For Everything - Chapter One -

James was thankful that humans didn't possess the anthromorph's senses of smell - he'd been lost in his own mind, and scaring a stag was often not smart.

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Tis the Season

#2 of tis the season holly and cameron, two young mule deer anthromorphs, madly in love, wake after hours of passionate lovemaking before the fireplace on christmas morning.

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Lord Attlebrush's Dinner

Luxuriating before his assembled guests, humans and anthromorphs alike, lord attlebrush sprawled languidly on the ornate throne.

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Spring Break - Prequel - Fall

Whilst humanity and the anthromorph's had co-existed for centuries, it was unusual for them to frequent such establishments as this. they weren't unwelcome, it was just...unusual.

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Erotic Tournament (Part 1)

Wolf knew a bit about regular anthromorphs, but when it came to mythos he didn't know too much at all. the next was a little vixen sitting in a corner by herself. she did say much, or even seem interested in being here.

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First Time Nervous

Okay, standard disclaimer: this story is of a sexual nature involving anthromorphs, do not read it if you are underaged or offended by such things.

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The Toy

_the following story contains masturbation and anthromorphism (furries). if you don't like it, get out!

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We're not hiring...

It was difficult to categorize katherine in the anthromorphs. her parents were legally labeled as a tiger and cheetah, but she was categorized as "other".

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Story Guide: BOVERSE

At this point i think they market it with a trendy term, like 'anthromorphing' or some such, but i don't know if i'll stick with one single term to use across stories.

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Captain Darius Hudson - Expedition One -

For over five hundred years, humans had ruled this domain - and only in the last twenty years - had anthromorph's made their way in. his colleagues and associates laughed at him, when he presented his paper on a missing tribe of anthropomorphic wolves.

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