Iron Author #4: My Dream Job

He stepped in and pressed the button for the fifth floor.

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Letting Down - Tuesday

She held them together with one hand while closing each button with the other. when the last button was closed she let go of the shirt. the fabric strained around the buttons, outlining her large breasts and fat nipples.

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Let's Play A Game

"if you look down at the floor, you'll see a button." i saw it. it looked like one of those remote controls that launched rockets into space in tv shows; a big red button set in a small white box.

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Rick's Punishment Contest Entry

He lifted his paw dizzily, needing air, and pressed it down on the button once more. the end

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That Darn Dragon!

The wolf pressed the lime green button with shaped like dice and out of the mouth of the owl came dice which hit the dragon mercilessly.

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Sensory Blackout

The thoughts plagued him as he continued to press buttons, and sean felt his body go slack once more save for his cock as he pressed button after button.

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Futanari Kimi

She began to slide her finger back out while groping along the length of her button... what?! kimi's eyes darted down. it was even bigger now! the extra-long sensation immediately veered her attention to her now two-inch long button!

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A fur at Freddy's: Sister Location (part 2)

I brought up the tablet and held the first button 'circus control' until it reached 100%. "well... hello there!" i put down the tablet and pressed a button labelled 'mascot replies' and a much softer voice played "shh...

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Fun and Games: BE What!?

She meeped softly as the strain was placed on the next button, her hands moving up to her buttons to try to undo them before they popped.

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A New Community...... Of Pokemon? chapter one

Several moments later nero slammed his palm on the button, sending out around four to five hundred pokemon loose.

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Itan's Unfortunate Day

It gaped between the buttons, and i had to sew an extra button over my breasts to stop from everyone seeing my plain black bra.

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