Well-Deserved Vacation (1/2)

chrono tried to stifle his sigh so that the lizardman didn't see it, then turned and gave a small grin to the other male.

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Filling His Rubber Paws (8/10)

"that will put you on the wrong side of the shield when this is all over," chrono pointed out.

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Chapter XIX: Farmer's Directive

There, i will push back the might of the shadows and pave the way for harm chronos and his gathering army.

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Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion 4.5

"what is your plan, chronos?" "i don't have one," harm answered. "all plans go to hell the moment they are put into action. i just don't bother. i react." "your reaction times seems to be growing slower these days, chronos."

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Time travellers pt 4

They take the ring from canis's unconscious body and go to wake chrono and frog up. chrono rips some of his shirt to bind canis's hands and feet together and make a muzzle.

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An Unlikely Alliance (2/4)

chrono just frowned and looked down at the table, knowing that despite his objections they would likely conduct the plan anyway.

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Chapter XII: Eclipse's Corona

"blame chronos!" her eyebrows lifted. "are you not a 'chronos'?" he hesitated, recalling that he had not officially changed his name. "i... uh..."

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A Surprise Follow-Up (1/2)

The blueish-purple smoke rose around him quickly as he gave chrono a wink, then crossed his arms as the last of his body disappeared in the opaque vapor.

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Snakeskin Redux 7

Renzyl just looked at chrono, then made a slight nod of his head before looking at the naga. "don't forget chrono here is in charge of our operations right now," renzyl said simply. "that is, if you're still ready to take command."

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An Unlikely Alliance (4/4)

"i am honestly surprised as well," another voice said, the two looking to see chrono coming out from the shadows where he had been hiding previously.

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