Lady of the Collar, Introduced

Gallowtail, lady of the collar has the b&d part of the whole acronym as her focus. this is just the first part; the whole story will be novella-length.

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Collared - Epilogue - Abeyance

#25 of collared whew. we're finally here. i posted collared - chapter 1 exactly 3 years ago, on december 18th, 2011. i didn't expect it to take so long to get here, but life got in the way. i want to thank everyone who stuck around through it all.

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Fleece Collar - Kyle

#1 of fleece collar a character pic from a story that i'm working on, along with a small excerpt from the story itself as a bit of a teaser. '_noticing the confused look on kyle's face, james chuckled a bit before explaining.

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Collared on the con floor

With one paw i hold them there, using the other to pull you towards me by the collar, my breath hot against your muzz as i lean in to force my tongue past your lips.

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Collar 15 -- Answers

#15 of collar in this fifteenth chapter of collar, certain puzzles and mysteries get solved to our mutual satisfaction. some of these mysteries have had clues dropped all along the way; now, finally, they're confirmed.

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Dog : Collar of Words

"from the first moment you listened and heard my words - think of those words as your collar." i gawked as she removed her lower clothing until she was led on the sofa, lingerie-clad only.

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Collar 9 -- Faith

#9 of collar the story continues as fletcher discovers more about himself and his desire for more personal freedom, while graham finds himself wrestling with conscience and his reasons for being a priest.

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Collar 6 -- No Secrets

#6 of collar the story continues as rev. graham moves forward with his plans to become fletcher's foster guardian. the young wolf is still learning, trying to understand, trying to make himself whole, and the process is still a rocky one.

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Collar 10 -- Glory

#10 of collar this 10th chapter of the story of graham and fletcher is one that most of you have been waiting for. there are many moments in any loving relationship that both create and define that relationship.

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Collar 8 -- The Calling

#8 of collar this installment of the continuing love story between young fletcher and rev. graham finds the two males discovering just how far they have grown together.

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Collar 17 -- Revelations

#17 of collar herein, we finally get to see what happens at the archdeacon's meeting with graham and fletcher. there is just a bit more to this story, in the form of an epilogue, but this penultimate chapter should do well for you in the short term.

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Scorns True Collars

"let me explain, inside this box is what's known as rumag collars." he delicately lifted the lid of the box, revealing two exquisite red collars nestled within. the deep red color glinted in the faint light, hinting at its true potential.

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