Shooting Star - Aries

Some arians will act self-centered because they believe their views are right, and anyone who conflicts with them is wrong. because you are open and honest, you will make energetic and generous friends.

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Head Above Water: Chapter 1

The anthro community faced much ridicule from the human at first but since then the conflict has mostly died down. that's not to say there aren't people that still loathe their furry brethren.

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Chewy: Leon's Dream Pt.3

Both Chewy and I held our ground seeming that we would be trapped into the final sky; however, when we both opened our eyes, we were safe from death by a smirch. "It stopped...," Chewy, said in amazement, "It seems that either time was canceled or it...

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I began to slowly open my eyes, my blurring vision soon starting to become clear as I noticed a face hovering above me. I realized I was lying on back and staring up at a familiar face, my daughter, Michelle. "You're finally awake Dad?" she asked as...

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Inner feelings and Secrets.

Now the two were at his door and aurora was still conflicting with her emotions. but it didn't take long and she walked in, closing the door with her golden tail and locking it.

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New Face in ponyville part 2

Diamond Race and Rainbow Dash took their starting positions at the Running of the Leaves trail, Spike and Pinkie pie took their positions as the commentators. "see you after the race" Rainbow Dash said laughing "tell that to my flank, if you can...

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Were-WHAT?, Chapter 2

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!! Were-WHAT? Chapter 2 When I stepped off the bus the first thing I noticed was the heat, you couldn't NOT notice it, it was an intense dry heat that hit you like a flood of not-quite liquid fire. The...

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First Day on the Job

I woke up with a start from something hitting my face. My eyes swiftly opened to see Dresnath's tail resting just in front of me. Connected to it was Dresnath, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, facing away from me. Apparently, I had turned a...

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Saying Goodbye

"Something brash. Perhaps quite fetching..." Those were the first words I heard as I awoke to the sight of Rarity carefully ironing my robe. "Hook and eye... Couldn't you simply die!" I was going to speak out to her, but the memories of the...

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Risks of Exotic Romance

"Wake up, little sleepyhead." Those were the first words I heard as I slowly awoke inside Fluttershy's cottage. "It's kind of late in the morning, James. You must be a heavy sleeper." Fluttershy spoke softly as she looked down at me while...

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The Missing Son, Chapter 29

I don't want this need to pay you back to conflict with my desire to be part of your family." patrick breathed silently, trying to figure something. "if i change my number for one that's free, will you get the money back?"

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The Stages - A 22 weeks companion novella

Shock & Denial "So, why don't we start with the incident. What were your thoughts when it occurred?" I ask. The corner of The One Eyed Wolf isn't the best lit, and the pub smells of stale alcohol ingrained into the upholstery of the sofas. It's not...

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