The Shy Typhlosion

Mike was a human who had been transported to the pokemon world transformed into a machop with no memory of his human life, while natsu was the one who found him way back when he was just a cyndaquil.

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Untitled Quilava Lemon

cyndaquil. smaller... fire mouse, yes..." he caught himself, recovering, before looking right into turk's eyes - it was an uncomfortable stare, and turk looked away.

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I shouted, as my cyndaquil emerged. when he saw my pitiful small pokémon, the man from team missile just laughed, then shouted. "tyrant, earthquake."

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Chapter 1

We raised her the past four years from a little cyndaquil to a healthy and strong quilava. my parents didn't let me start my pokémon journey when i was 10, like lots of my childhood friends.

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I really didn't want to consider a totodile or cyndaquil but i figured the professor knew best. "well, which one would do you think i should pick?" "chikor!"

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All The Above

Bulbasaur was strong against froaky, but cyndaquill was strong against it in turn. no matter what element he went with the up sides equaled the down sides.

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Ch 2. Dwellings in the Past

I was just a cyndaquil and what was odd enough, most cyndaquil's eyes were always shut but i managed to open mine a quarter of the way at least. the whole squinty eyes thing never worked for me i guess. my eyes were almost a pink color.

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 3 (Part 1)

I picked cyndaquil. i named him flamy. wanna see him?" kyo smiled. "sure, i'd love to meet him. is he nice?" "he's super nice," she says excitedly, "he likes to snuggle up against me, and he's super warm when you hug him."

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Naughty Mint

The problem was her innate timidity--no issue against pathetic things like rattata or cyndaquil, but against stronger opponents like garchomp or arcanine, another thing entirely.

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The Tales of Unova, Autumn Anxieties

Froslass's cool demeanour, cyndaquil's squinty eyes, and even shrifty's impish nature.

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The Art of Battle

I approached the front counter, "excuse me, i'd like to give my cyndaquil a checkup to make sure he's healthy". i released mira and sat pyro's ball on the counter.

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The Human Species Ch. 61 - Rocket Boss Giovanni

"the day i took cyndaquil was the most exhilarating day of my life," silver whispered, leaning back and letting his eyes wander to one of the paintings depicting a small mammal on fire, "i had always attributed that feeling of triumph to pokémon, and that

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